● The appl�ance should be placed on a flat or hard surface.Also, make sure there �s at least two meters
of clearance on the top of the un�t for steam evacuat�on.
● Please place the product 2 meters away from the TV, rad�o, computer and other electr�cal appl�ances.
● Do not add any aromat�c substances (powder, l�qu�d, o�l, etc.) �nto the water tank or from the steam
outlet. Only add aromat�c o�l to the scent sponge at the bottom of the un�t.
● Wh�le transport�ng the mach�ne, be sure that there �s no water �n �t. When not �n use unplug the
● Do not use the mach�ne �f �t �s not fully assembled or parts of the appl�ance are m�ss�ng.
● It �s suggested to use clean water w�thout l�me.
● Do not pour hot water �ns�de the mach�ne.
● The best operat�ng env�ronment �s temperature from 5
°C to 40°
C and hum�d�ty less than 80% RH.
● Do not place the mach�ne �n d�rect sunl�ght.
● It �s not recommended to place the dev�ce under a�r cond�t�oners and near heat�ng sources, as th�s may
affect the hum�d�ty level of the dev�ce.
● Do not �nject water or put fore�gn matters �nto a�r outlet or a�r �nlet. Do not block a�r outlet or a�r �nlet
wh�le the mach�ne �s operat�ng.
● If you are not go�ng to use the appl�ance for long t�me, clean and dry �t well w�th soft fabr�c, pack �t well.
● All repa�r�ng opeat�ons, �ntervent�on on the dev�ce other than the author�zed serv�ce w�ll result be�ng the
dev�ce out of warranty.
● Th�s dev�ce �s des�gned to work only w�th water. Add�ng l�qu�ds, sol�ds, and odors other than water w�ll
damage the dev�ce and the dev�ce w�ll be out of warranty. (
The fragrance can only be used by
dr�pp�ng �nto the aromatherapy tray.)
● If there �s l�me bu�ld-up �n the steam generator, never scrape �t off or use detergent.
● It �s suggested to refresh the water da�ly.
● The product outlet shall be kept at least 20CM away from the surround�ng area.
It �s str�ctly proh�b�ted add�ng water from the m�st p�llar.
To extend the l�fespan of the appl�ance, �t �s recommended to clean �t at least once a week.
Sw�tch off and unplug the appl�ance.
W�pe the base w�th damp soft cloth and w�pe dry. Do not use abras�ve cleansers, hard brushes to avo�d
scratches. Do not �mmerse the base �n water or put �t under runn�ng water.
Water Tank
F�ll the water tank about half full and add ¼ cup of v�negar. You can use soft brush for clean�ng of tank.
Remove the water and r�nse tank thoroughly.
Use solut�on of ½ v�negar and ½ water to clean the ultrason�c d�sc. Pour the solut�on on d�sc and leave
for at least half an hour. Us�ng the soft brush to gently clean the d�sc. Pour out the solut�on and r�nse w�th
clean water several t�mes.
The water tank should be cleaned once a week.
Be careful not to get water on the d�g�tal d�splay, electr�cal components of the base and the cord.
Don’t �mmerse the base and cord �nto the water.
: Recommended to use dr�nk�ng water for extended use.
Never touch the atom�zer w�th a hard tool, only use cotton swab or soft brush to clean �t.
Do not use detergent to clean, use clean water or use v�negar solut�on.
Never use the chem�cal solvent, gasol�ne, kerosene, pol�sh�ng powder cloth to w�pe the surface.