1. Top-f�ll�ng des�gn allow�ng to add water d�rectly
2. Touch control
3. External self-conta�ned aromatherapy box.
4. Water shortage automat�c protect�on
5. DC fan, energy sav�ng and low no�se
6. Base LED n�ght l�ght des�gn
7. Novel appearance, fash�onable shape and pract�cal des�gn
8. Three d�fferent m�st level
9. T�mer w�th three d�fferent level
Water level must
not over th�s p�llar
Proh�b�t add�ng
water from
th�s p�llar.
Operat�on The D�g�tal Panel
T�mer Button:
• Press the timer button for 2 hours for the first time (The buzzer rings for 2H and the small 2H light turns green.)
• The second time press the timer button for 4 hours (The buzzer rings for 4H and the 4H light turns green.)
• The third time press the timer button for 6 hours (The buzzer rings for 6H and the 6H light turns green.)
• The fourth time press the timer button for 8 hours (The buzzer rings for 8H and the 8H light turns green.)
• Fifth touch turns off the timer.
- Hold down the timer button 3 seconds to open colorful LED night light (The buzzer rings also.)
To turn on or turn off the product by touch�ng
M�st adjustment: Touch the button for chang�ng amount of the m�st
ATTENTION: After add�ng water to the mach�ne, wa�t 2 m�nutes for �t to become ready.
Place the appl�ance
on the level and
f�rm surface.
To f�ll the tank,
remove the water
tank cover
Pour water �nto tank
as shoved above.
Put back the water tank
cover at r�ght pos�t�on
l�ke p�cture above.
It �s expected that there �s l�ttle b�t of
water �n the bas�n due to work�ng pr�nc�ple
of the mach�ne. The water �s replen�sh to the
bas�n from the water bank
as �t decreases.