Gas iNsTrUCTiONs
instaLL fueL sCaLe assembLY
A) Position the fuel scale on the right outside panel of the barbecue
(1) . Fasten with
washers and nuts .
B) Install the cylinder glides into the two holes below the fuel scale
(2) . Fasten with
screws, washers and nuts .
purChase a fuLL CYLinder of Gas
from Your Gas deaLer
The cylinder must always be installed, transported and stored in an upright position .
Never allow the cylinder to drop or be handled carelessly . Never store cylinder where
temperatures can exceed 51° C (too hot to hold by hand) . For example, do not leave the
cylinder in your car on hot days .
rEPlaCEmENT HOsE, rEGUlaTOr aND ValVE assEmblY
important notiCe: we recommend that you replace the
gas hose assembly on your weber gas barbecue every
5 years. some countries may have requirements that the
gas hose be replaced within less than 5 years, in which
case that country’s requirement would take precedence.
for replacement hose, regulator, and valve assemblies,
contact the Customer service representative in your area
using the contact information on our web site.
Log on to www.weber.com
the minimum cylinder capacity for this barbeque is 9 Kg
210 DimENsiONs
the minimum cylinder capacity for this barbeque is 9 Kg
310 DimENsiONs
FUEl sCalE aassEmblY & HarDWarE
Height Lid Closed
115.57 cm
83.19 cm
59.69 cm
Gas Connection
Right Hand Side of barbecue
Height Lid Closed
113.03 cm
83.19 cm
57.15 cm
Gas Connection
Right Hand Side of barbecue