V1.0 subject to changes | Webdyn © by Flexitron Group
permanent 2G/3G/4G connection, as is usual in metering applications
• Send IP
: check the box if you want the MTX-StarEnergy-M to send you an SMS message with
the acquired IP address after a connection by SMS
• AT enabled
: check this box if you want to be able to send AT commands by SMS to the MTX-
StarEnergy-M, for example to know the coverage remotely, to perform a reset, change a
• AT header
: write the header text for command SMS messages here. For example, if you write in
this box “mtx”, when you send an AT command by SMS, let’s imagine the command AT + CSQ
to know the general level of coverage, you would need to send an SMS message with the text
“mtx AT + CSQ”
• All phones
: check this box if you want all phones to be able to send AT commands by SMS to
the MTX-StarEnergy-M. Do not check this box if you want to specify authorized phone numbers.
You can also activate it if your telephone operator allows you to filter SMS, that is, the filtering
of phone numbers is done at the operator’s network level instead of at the device level
• Authorized Number X
: in these boxes you can specify up to 5 authorized telephone numbers
in the event that the option “All phones” is not selected
• Alias / ATCommand
: up to 10 aliases can be entered to execute SMS commands. For example,
the AT command that performs a reset of the MTX-StarEnergy-M is AT ^ MTXTUNNEL = REBOOT.
If, for example, you specify the alias “reset”, all you have to do is send an SMS with the text
“reset” to MTX-StarEnergy-M so that it restarts instead of having to send an SMS with the text
“mtx AT ^ MTXTUNNEL = RESET ”, longer and more complex to remember.
Aliases also allow the passing of parameters. For example, imagine that you have configured
the MTX-StarEnergy-M in “2g” mode to be able to accept IP connections and CSD calls. In
the future, where you will not need CSD calls (IP only) you will want to be able to change the
working mode to “auto” so that the MTX-StarEnergy-M connects to 2G/3G/4G depending on
the network availability in the area.
For this you can specify an alias such as “network [params]” together with the command “AT ^
If you send the MTX-StarEnergy-M an SMS message with the text “auto network”, the setting
will change from “2g” to “auto”. (Note: Do not forget to send a reset SMS to the equipment so
that it takes the new configuration).
• Alias Result OK
: text that will be sent as a response in the event that the execution of an ALIAS
command is successful
• Alias Result ERROR
: text that will be sent as a response in the event that the execution of an
ALIAS command is wrong
Once the configuration is finished, press the “SAVE CONFIG” button to save the changes.
Remember that you must restart the device for the new changes to take effect