7 | Setting up charging
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5111966A ISI Webasto Unite (EN)
Constant Blue
You can terminate charging by tapping the RFID card that you
have used to start charging
Method 2
No LED Indication
Unplug the charging cable from the vehicle first.
No LED Indication
Unplug the charging cable from the charging station.
OCPP Connected mode
WLAN and LAN use the charging station’s OCPP connected
mode. This is pre-configured, so this mode is used by default. In
addition, the charging station is also pre-configured for Free-
mode charging; it does not matter if the unit is connected to
the OCPP central system or not. During installation from the
Web Configuration Interface or the OCPP central system (OCPP
Freemode), you must disable the Freemode setting.
Connecting & charging
No LED Indication
Make sure that your vehicle and the charging station are ready
for charging.
No LED Indication
Insert the charging plug into the vehicle inlet and the charging
station socket outlet.
4 sec
Blinks blue
Tap the RFID card on the RFID reader. You may start charging
with a card which is registered with your charging operator.
Green glowing
You may start charging with a card that has been authorized
before. If the RFID Card is authorized by OCPP Central System,
charging will start.
Blue glowing
Charging starts and the status indicator LED glows blue.
Charging operation requires an authorized card
Charging operation is rejected by the charging station
when you want to start charging with an unauthorized
Stop charging
You must only use the following alternative methods to stop
charging. Never attempt to unplug the charging cable from its
charging station before stopping charging, otherwise the lock-
ing mechanism may get damaged.
Method 1
Constant Blue
You can terminate charging by tapping the RFID card that you
have used to start charging
Method 2