which gives access to all functions necessary
for the normal operation of the unit and
attached accessories (blowers, pumps, etc).
2004 Series Electronic Controls are easily
recognized by their special remobale bezels.
The new 2004 displays are backwards com-
patibel with the older TCC electronic con-
troller cards. In that case however the dedi-
cated Blower key is not operational.
Continued features - 2000 Series :
A) Automatic blank/sleep mode -
grammable time delay. Factory default : 15
minutes. While in blank/sleep mode the cycle
LED flashes discretely every 20 seconds. To
go back to normal operation push any key.
B) Calibrate all blower speed settings
in real time mode.
It is now possible to calibrate all speed set-
tings (1 to 5) before actually putting the sys-
tem into service.
To do so enter programming mode with set-
point at 15° C.; proceed to line <6> = speed
5 (max). (see chapter 6 - page 9)
The blower will start to function as soon as
you access code <6>.
Alter the value to the right of code <6> and
the blower speed will immediately change in
real time. When satisfied go to following line
<7> = speed 4 and do the same.
Proceed until lowest speed N° 1 and go back
again to speed N° 5 if not satisfied.
When all speeds are programmed according
to need, validate by pushing on/off key
(<memo> will be displayed briefly).
Attention : Never program speeds
so low that the blower is in danger
of stopping or will not re-start at
that setting.
This will inevitably entail motor-
windings burn-out and will not be
covered by the WEBASTO warran-
C) Infra-Red Remote Control :
Infra-red remote control can be purchased as
an option. This remote control is based on the
standard protocols also used by TV and other
appliances. Although the WEBASTO con-
trols have been chosen so as to avoid inter-
ference with most TV models, the end-user
should be aware that in certain cases interfer-
ence may occur with TV sets or other appli-
Generaly, it is therefore advisable to avoid
display next to other appliances using infra-
red control units.
The end-user can deny access to all program
settings by introducing an access code (see
page 10 - code <b>). Blower speed and set-
points always remain accessible.
Once an access code is activated, the digital
display will show <Code> if the end-user
tries to access other functions then blower
speed or set-point temperature. To gain full
access push the sun key to reach the code
value as programmed and push the F key
again to gain access to full program settings.
The central <CHILLER CONTROL> digital
display which controls general operation of
the condensing unit(s) can also directly con-
trol the blower(s) of the saloon/cabin where
the main temperature sensor is located.
This direct blower control is optional and not
all installations use this facility to control a
part of the ship’s blowers.
Blowers in the wheel-house for instance,
where the <CHILLER CONTROL> display
is located, can be directly controlled by the
TECC card. The <FAN> outlet of the TECC
controller card offers manual speed settings
and thermostatic control in the same manner
as the individual cabin controls.
This central blower control is therefore quite
distinct from the secondary Cabin Control
systems where the <AIR CONTROL> digital
display only operates the blower(s) of the
cabin where the display is situated without
any direct link to the main condensing unit.
Any blowers directly connected to the TECC
controller card will be activated after the
cycle LED comes on. However blowers will
only become active if the chilled water tem-
perature is compatible with the enteredset-
If blower operation cannot be activated the
error code <bA11> will flash briefly and then
remain visible when accessing blower con-
trol through F/Blower key.
(See also here-after list of error codes).
Blower operation will only start after a com-
patibility check with the temperature of the
chilled water circuit.
Example : in <Cool> mode with a set-point
temperature of 21° C., blower operation will
only start after the temperature of the water
circuit has reached 20° C or less. This avoids
start-up of blower operation with a non com-
patible water circuit temperature.
For these TECC cards it is possible to alto-
gether stop blower operation by choosing the
option <0> after manual blower speed <1>.
This allows to altogether stop blower opera-
tion by the main controller card during the
night for example while still continuing to
operate the chiller unit for the rest of the
ship’s air-handlers.
With the <CHILLER CONTROL>, blower
control is completely distinct from compres-
sor operation :
1) Blower control will continue even if com-
pressor operation is thermostatically stopped.
2) Compressor operation will continue even
if the blower is thermostatically stopped.
It is not possible however to operate the
blowers in a different cycle from compressor
operation ; for instance : compressors run-
ning in cool cycle and blowers in heat cycle.
In that case compressor operation will have
priority and blower-operation will be stopped
(error code <bA11>).
The F/Blower key gives immediate access to
commands and displays necessary for day to
day operation. When pushing the F/Blower
key you will see to the left a code which indi-
cates the type of display or command and to
the right the present value.
In order of appearance here-after an explana-
tion of these commands/displays :
a) Blower speed control :
< b A>
This command preceeded by the letter b
(blower) allows the following settings :
A = automatic blower speed adjusted to tem-
perature differential.
0 = blower stop
1 to 5 = manual Speed Control
Speed control is in real time mode i.e.
changes are effected immediately without
any validation procedure.
Warning :
All following func-
tions need validation before a new