In the vicinity of the Air Top 5000 air heater, a temperature
of 185 °F (85 °C) must not be exceeded under any
circumstances (e.g. during body paint work). A violation of
this temperature limit may cause permanent damage to the
Extracting combustion air from the vehicle interior is not
permissible under any circumstance.
Exhaust pipes must be routed so that exhaust fumes will
not penetrate into the vehicle’s interior. Condensation
accumulation in the exhaust line must be directly drained.
A condensation drain hole is to be provided if required.
Do not route exhaust pipes and components within
50 mm (2 inches) of flammable materials such as
polyurethane or similar foam insulation, styrene
sheet insulation, fuel tanks and containers, glycol
reservoirs, coolant lines, wood and paper products,
carpet, tires, electrical wiring, brake and air lines or
any materials deemed to be flammable or heat
Do not terminate exhaust above flammable materials such
as polyurethane or similar foam, insulation, styrene sheet
insulation, fuel tanks and containers, glycol reservoirs,
coolant lines, wood and paper products, carpet, tires,
electrical wiring, brake and air lines or any materials
deemed to be flammable or heat sensitive.
The function of any parts vital for vehicle operation must
not be impaired.
Electrical lines, switch gear, and control gear of the heater
must be located in the vehicle so that their proper function
cannot be impaired under normal operating conditions.
The operational state of the heater, i.e. an indication
“on” or “off”, must be clearly visible to the operator.
The Air Top 5000 Air heater may only be operated within
the specified operating voltage range designated by type.
The fuel specified by the vehicle manufacturer for use in
the engine is suitable fuel for use in the Air Top 5000 air
Air Top 5000D - Diesel 1, Diesel 2, Arctic grade,
Kerosene and certain military spec. fuels.
Air Top 5000B - Gasoline (all grades).
When the fuel for the heater is drawn from the vehicle fuel
tank, the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications concerning
additives are to be observed. Any addition of waste oil is
not permitted.
When changing to cold-resistant fuels, the heater must be
operated for approx. 15 minutes to ensure that the fuel
metering pump is filled with the new fuel.
For the routing of fuel lines, the following important
regulations must be adhered to:
Fuel lines are to be installed in such a way that they
remain unaffected by torsional stresses created by
vehicle movement. They must be protected against
mechanical damage.
Fuel lines must be securely fastened to the vehicle
every 30 cm. (12 inches) or less along the total
length from heater to fuel tank.
Fuel-carrying parts are to be protected against
excessive heat and are to be installed so that any
dripping or evaporating fuel can neither accumulate
nor be ignited by hot components or electrical
Fuel supply must not be by means of gravity or
pressurization of the fuel tank.
The fuel tank must either be equipped with a vent
cap or be ventilated in another way (ventilation line).