We Care Solar - Solar Suitcase Installation Guide - 2017
Page | 46
Solar Charging Light:
Above the sun icon: green
When the solar panel is under the sun, this light will be lit green.
[Show the green light
over the sun icon.]
Battery Status Lights:
Above battery icon: blinking green, green, yellow, blinking red, red
These lights tell us when the battery is full, has energy, is nearly empty, or is empty.
It is important to know how full your battery is to help you know when to charge your
appliances and when to save energy.
battery status light
This means there is more power coming from the
solar panel than the main battery can utilize. So…. There is EXTRA electricity available.
It is a good time to charge your cell phone, your headlamps, or the AA batteries
included in your Solar Suitcase for the fetal Doppler.
battery status light
– the battery between 10% and 90% full.
Only use lights at night.
Only charge necessary appliances during the day.
battery status light
– the battery is almost empty.
It is time to save energy. DO NOT charge up new appliances. Turn off your lights if
they are not needed, OR only use one light, and wait for the sun to recharge your
If you have a medical procedure and need to use a light, we recommend you use ONE
light rather than BOTH of the lights.
Get your headlamps ready.
Turn off all your other appliances.
battery status light
– the battery is empty.
The battery is depleted and the system will automatically shut off until the battery can
recharge from the solar panels.
When this occurs, turn off the appliance and light switches so that the battery can fully
recharge the next day (when there is sunlight).
Keep the Main Switch ON
Wait for the battery to recharge. The battery will recharge the next day using sunlight.
When the battery status light is green you can use the Solar Suitcase again.
REVIEW CHARGE CONTROLLER [Ask questions to ensure people have understood.]
1. What do the different color lights indicate?
Answer: Blinking green
– there is extra
power; Green
– battery is 10-90% full; Yellow – battery is getting close to empty; Red –
battery is empty.
2. How do you know when it is ok to charge appliances?
Answer: When it is sunny and the
battery light is blinking green or green.
3. How can you tell that the solar panel is properly connected?
Answer: When the green
charging light on the charge controller is lit.