Operation Manual.
Based on the voltage and phase that is available, verify that
the starter is able to operate the motor.
Overload protection.
The normally closed (N / C) temperature sensor is embedded in the
winding, and detects engine overheating in case of an overload
condition. Thermal sensor triggers shut down when the engine is too
hot and automatically restarts when the pump motor is cooled to a
safe temperature. It is recommended that the thermal sensor
connects to an alarm to alert the operator that overheating occurred
s o t h a t pump operation can be stopped. In case of overload, the
cause should be reviewed and corrected.
As WDM ME pumps are not self-priming, they must be fully
primed before starting. To prime the pump completely fill the
suction line with liquid.
If the suction head of the pump is positive, the suction valve
should be opened allowing liquid to enter pump the casing.
Then air vents should be opened, forcing all air out of the
pump by liquid before closing the vents.
If pump has a suction lift, priming may be accomplished by
the use of foot valves or ejectors, or b y manual filling of the
pump casing and suction line.
Operation of the pump while dry will result in serious