Operation Manual.
Suction (inlet) piping.
Suction piping must be selected and installed in such a way to
minimize pressure loss and allow for a sufficient liquid flow during the
starting and operation of the pump.
Many NPSH problems can be traced directly to improper sizing of
suction piping systems.
The following precautions should be noted when installing suction
Suction piping should be as direct as possible, and ideally
the length should be at least ten times the pipe diameter.
Short suction piping can be the same diameter as the
suction opening.
Depending on the length of a longer pipe, the diameter should
be one or two sizes larger
than the pump suction.
Reduce the
diameter of the pipe to match the diameter of the pump
suction as it reaches pump suction opening.
When required to reduce the pipe diameter, use an eccentric
reducer with the eccentric side down.
The pipe should never be smaller in diameter than the pump
suction opening.
Steel base plate
.75” to 1.5”