• The WayCool® evaporative cooler requires little space, has a low initial cost, is inexpensive and simple to
operate and requires minimal scheduled maintenance.
• Due to the design and construction of the cooling pads, cooling efficiency is normally maintained near
optimum throughout the life of the pads (approximately two seasons).
• In many cases, evaporative coolers are a better solution than mechanical refrigeration systems because they
are more economical to operate and maintain, and do not use environmentally sensitive and costly
Evaporative Cooling Principle
Evaporative cooling is the same process your body uses to cool itself. When you perspire, and air moves across
your skin, a portion of the perspiration (water) evaporates. Evaporation requires heat to change liquid water to
water vapor and this heat is taken from your skin, producing the cooling effect.
In an evaporative cooler, the cellulose cooling pads take the place of your skin, water instead of perspiration
wets them and a fan moves the air. The air blows across the cooling pads and evaporates moisture. Heat is
drawn from the pads and the air, dropping the air temperature and producing the cooling effect. The cooled air
is then forced through a building or space and displaces the warm air out of building openings, cooling the
surroundings. In addition, air velocity increases the cooling effect as it moves over the skin of people in the
airflow path.
WayCool® evaporative coolers are portable and use the latest technology to provide large volumes of cool air,
efficiently and inexpensively, for cooling small to medium size areas. Simply add more units to accommodate
larger areas. With proper sizing and application, a WayCool® evaporative cooler can lower the effective air
temperature by up to 20 degrees F. Even in high humidity, the efficiency of the WayCool® evaporative cooler
provides effective cooling.
Cool moist air
less than
80 deg. F.
Warm dry air
greater than
90 deg. F.
Pipe dripping
water onto pads
Wetted cellulose