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new world of opportunities.  For years, workstation users have sought this unusual flexibility and 
signature sound.  But conventional dynamics and EQ plug-ins couldn’t produce the unique SSL 
The Waves SSL 4000 Collection is the result of a partnership between Waves Audio and Solid 
State Logic.  These processors faithfully recreate the same EQ and dynamics characteristics 
which made legendary the SL4000 consoles.  Plus, the interface accurately reflects the classic 
SSL console.  Couple all of this with state-of-the art Waves software and you suddenly find 
yourself working with the same tools that have provided countless hit mixes for the world's best 
audio engineers.  
The Waves SSL 4000 Collection consists of three separate sections:   


• The SSL  E-Channel/ G-Channel   


• The SSL 4000 G-Master Bus Compressor  


• The SSL G-Equalizer   



2. Description of the SSL 4000 E-Channel/ G-Channel plug-in 




SSL E-Channel 


The Waves SSL E-Channel is modeled after the SL4000 E Series console, combining the 
dynamics section of the SL4000 channel strip with the “Black Knob” 242 EQ. The only obvious 
change from the hardware original is that the EQ and Dynamics sections are side-by-side rather 
than inline, to better conform to computer screens.  

SSL G-Channel 


The Waves SSL G-Channel is modeled after the SL4000 G Series console, combining the 
dynamics section of the SL4000 channel strip with the 383 G EQ. The only obvious change from 
the hardware original is that the EQ and Dynamics sections are side-by-side rather than inline, to 
better conform to computer screens.  

Dynamics Section 


The dynamics section consists of a soft-knee compressor/limiter and an expander/gate.  
Dynamics can be switched to pre-equalizer (


) or post-equalizer (



Although the same gain change circuitry is used for both the compressor/limiter and the 
expander/gate, two dedicated level indicators illustrate activity for each device.  Automatic gain 
make-up, calculated from the 




 settings, is applied by the compressor to 

maintain a steady output level. The default compressor attack time is program sensitive, 
responding to the audio material’s wavefront.


The dynamics section’s threshold circuitry uses variable hysteresis, which allows the signal to 
decay below its opening level.  (Hysteresis is the lag between making a change in input, such as 
increasing or decreasing power, and the response or effect of that change.  Thus, the threshold’s 
variable hysteresis circuitry allows for program-dependent dynamic processing.)  

Equalizer Section 


The equalizer is a four-band device which can be routed to the processor’s output or to the 
dynamics section’s sidechain.  Q can be adjusted in the LMF and HMF ranges.  At the top of the 
