Control the player with folders and files
Oct 2021
Version : 2.1 (for firmware 1.11 or higher)
8.2.4. [RET] - Return to the previous folder at the end of the playback of the
During the playback of a folder, if an event or a tag orders to play another folder tagged with [RET], then
the player jumps to the new folder. At the end of the playback of this new folder, the player jumps back to
the initial folder.
This function can be used to resume the playback of a folder interrupted by the playback of a message
triggered by an event.
001[J100] : Playback of folder 001 then jump to folder 100
002[J100] : Playback of folder 002 then jump to folder 100
100[RET] : Playback of folder 100 then goes back to previous folder (001 or 002)
In this example, at the end of playback of folder 001 or 002, folder 100 is played, then the player goes
to the initial folder (001 or 002).
The [RET] tag has only one level of return, i.e. the target folder is always the previously played folder,
whatever the number of folders tagged with [RET] played in a row.
8.2.5. [RND] or [SEQ] - Sequential or random playback mode
By default, without this parameter, the folder is played in random mode.
[SEQ]: playback the files of the folder, in alphanumerical ascending order (from one to infinite, then A to
Z then ato z then special characters and then non ASCII alphabets).
[RND]: playback in a random order.
001[SEQ] : Play the folder 001 in sequential mode, then stop
002[RND][J002] : Play the folder 002 in random mode and in a loop
003[J001] : Play the folder 003 in random mode, then jump to the folder 001
8.2.6. [Vx] - Adjust the absolute volume of the folder
This tag modifies the output volume during the playback of the folder. Once the volume iset, it remains
unchanged for all next files and folders. If the value exceeds the minimum or the maximum values, then
the minimum or the maximum value is applied.