Install Process Overview
This is the process that we suggest using for installing your Cel-Fi GO X:
Read this manual.
Ideally from start to finish so that you understand the whole
process before you begin.
Download the Wave app
Select your carrier
. Your GO X is preprogrammed to Verizon. If you’re boosting a
different carrier’s signal you’ll need to use the Wave app to
change the carrier
Find the best outdoor antenna location and direction
. This step is the most time-
consuming, but it’s worth the effort. Getting it right has a
impact on your
system’s performance.
”Temporary install” and indoor antenna positioning
– Without making any holes in
your roof or walls, temporarily run the cable indoors to your GO X, and find indoor
antenna locations with enough separation from the outdoor antenna.
Verify performance and hard-wire everything
– Run speed tests and check your
bars – if everything's looking good, it’s time to finalize all your cable runs and mount
Tell us how your system is doing
– We really love hearing how our customer’s systems
are performing. Send us an email and let us know how things look.
If anything’s unclear, or you’re unsure about something, just call us at (800) 761-3041 or
email help@waveform.com.
We're generally available from 9am-5pm PT, Monday to Friday.