Installation Manual
Page 8
3. Secure the back side of the slider mounting unit to the back post, use a level to make
sure the slider mounting unit is level.
4. Tighten the slider brackets screws to the slider body and stiffener.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the opposite side of the rack with the second slider mounting unit.
6. Clearance/Level Testing
• Extend the sliders arms all the way out through the front of the rack
• Use the jig by placing it on the 2 extended slider arms
a. Check right to left leveling using a level, adjust sliders front brackets as needed.
b. Run the jig between the 2 sliders from the front of the rack to the back to check for clearance.
c. When the jig is in the back, check the level again. Adjust back screws if needed.
7. Installing additional set of sliders (if applicable)
• Install the ROME positioning ruler, where the lower
end should be on top of the installed slider
• Repeat steps 2 to 6
: There is a 12 inch clearance from the floor.
Jig in Front of Rack
Jig in Back of Rack