Installation Instructions
Step 7
Selecting Heat Cycle
The unit will ask if a pre-heat cycle is needed for the joint. If fusion will be performed where pipe temperatures are outside
the range of 60 - 90 degrees F, please consult Orion Fittings Technical department at (910) 865-7530 before proceeding. All
other fusions should be performed using the STANDARD cycle, which is selected by pressing the START button.
Fusion cycle type selection screen
Step 8
Verifying Welding Parameters
The screen will display “VERIFY WELDING PARAMETERS” and an audible beep will sound to indicate the fusion unit is
ready to begin welding. Verify the welding data displayed on the screen matches the joint being fused. If the information is
incorrect, press the STOP/BACK button to return to any of the menu options to correct the fusion parameters. Once the
parameters have been verified, press START to begin the fusion weld.
Fusion cycle type selection screen
Step 9
Successful Weld Completion
After pressing START, the Rionfuser™ will begin the weld. After the welding cycle has completed, another audible beep
will sound to indicate that the fusion weld is complete. If the beeping pattern is an equal, consistent beeping, the joint was
successful. If the beeping pattern is irregular, it indicates that an error has occurred during the fusion cycle (if an error code
is received during fusion, please contact your local Orion rep for troubleshooting information). Once the joint is completed,
the lead cables can be removed and the process repeated for the next joint.
To download completed fusion data, please see our IOM-OR-RIONFUSE 2128 for instructions.
Do not stress newly-fused joints until cooled to
ambient, typically 10 - 20 minutes depending on
size. Successful weld completion screen does not
eliminate need for system leak testing
Successful Weld Completion Screen