5*. Install flow meter(s). For PWS30 Simplex and PWS30-P
Progressive Series systems, apply a suitable thread sealant
to the male threads of the meter(s) and with the meter’s
direction of flow arrow pointing in the direction of water flow,
install the meter(s) directly into the outlet port(s) of the system
control valve(s). For PWS30-2 Series Duplex Alternating sys-
tems, apply a suitable thread sealant and install the meter
in the common outlet water line of the two control valves
within 30" of the nearest control valve’s controller. The
meter’s direction of flow arrow must point in the direction of
water flow.
6*. Rotate meter(s) clockwise to tighten, by gripping the meter(s)
on the hexagonal surface with a wrench, and continue to
tighten the water meter(s) until the meter dome(s) is pointing
straight up.
7*. Connect the cold water supply to the inlet port of the water
softening system’s control valve(s). When constructing the
supply line, install an inlet water isolation valve and plumbing
union fitting (user supplied) in the supply line of each control
valve and close the isolation valve. The union fitting(s) should be
located between the isolation valve and the systems inlet port.
8*. Install an inlet water sample port in the supply line and close it.
9*. If risk of vacuum exists, install Watts # 0556031 vacuum
relief valve in the supply line to protect the system against
vacuum damage.
10*. Connect the outlet water connection of the water meter(s)
for PWS30 and PWS30-P systems, and to the control valve
outlet water ports for PWS30-2 systems, to the water line
requiring softened water. When constructing this outlet water
line, install an outlet water isolation valve and plumbing union
fitting (user supplied) in the outlet line of each control valve
and close the isolation valve. The union fitting(s) should be
located between the outlet of the control valve(s) and the
outlet isolation valve(s).
11*. Install an outlet water sample port on the outlet water line of
the system and close it.
12*. Install a bypass valve between the inlet and outlet plumbing
water lines and close it.
13*. If not already factory installed on the control valve, attach the
drain line flow controller directly to the control valve’s drain
port. See pages 12-13 for connection detail. The flow arrow
on the drain line flow controller must point towards the drain
receptacle. Only plumbing tape is allowed on the drain line
flow controller fitting threads.
System Installation
14*. Construct the drain line routing it to an appropriate drain recep-
tacle abiding buy all local building and plumbing codes. DO
NOT construct drain line to elevations that exceed 4 feet above
the drain port of the control valve, or reduce the drain line diam-
eter to smaller than that of the drain line flow controller. Install a
plumbing union fitting in the drain line close to the drain line flow
controller. The drain line must be anchored to the floor.
15*. Connect the brine tank to the water softener’s control valve
brine port using Sch. 40 PVC pipe with a minimum pipe
diameter of 1". Install the brine line flow controller(s) (BLFC)
for the PWS30 and PWS30-P series systems directly to the
control valve’s brine connection port(s). For PWS30-2 series
systems, install the BLFC on the brine tank’s brine connec-
tion port. See pages 12-13 for connection detail. All BLFC
direction of flow arrows must point in the direction of the
brine tank. Install a plumbing union fitting in the brine line
close to the BLFC. The brine tank should set on a common
elevation as the mineral tank and within 10 feet of the water
softener control valve. Add enough water (6") to the brine
tank so that water covers the top of the air check. DO NOT
add salt to the brine tank at this time.
16. Connect meter cable(s) into meter dome(s) according to
Figure 1. NXT2 & SXT controller meter cable(s) must use side
port on meter dome(s). Connect the other end of the meter
cable(s) to the control valve’s P5 port located on the control
valve’s controller of the control valve the meter is plumbed
into. For PWS30-2 series systems, connect the meter cable
to a single control valve controller. See pages 15 & 16 for P5
17. Connect the 24V transformer power supply wire(s) to the
P14 port(s) of the control valve controller(s). See pages
15 & 16 for P14 location.
18. If applicable, install a metal bonding strap across metal inlet
and outlet plumbing lines to maintain electrical continuity.
The system is now ready for Start Up.
* See Installation Diagrams pages 12-14 of this manual for
additional information.
Mechanical Meter Cable
Inserts Into Top Center Port
of Meter Dome
Electronic Meter Cable for
NXT2 Controller Inserts
Into Side Port of Meter
Operating a system without a drain line flow controller
will cause all media to flow out of the system through
the drain line.
Figure 1