Model S3W
Model S3W
Stainless Steel
ES-A-ACV-LF981GD 2115
© 2021 Watts
* The wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water
contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight.
Manual Operator
Model S3W
3-Way Solenoid
" –
Model S3W are pilot system 3-way solenoids. The solenoids can
control valves independently or in combination with other control
circuit pilots or accessories. Product is available with a wide range
of options including: voltage (24VDC, 24VAC or 120VAC), opera-
tion (energize to open or closed) and a range of enclosures (gen-
eral service to watertight to explosion proof).
Body Material:
Brass (standard)***
Stainless Steel (optional)
Nitrile (standard)
EPDM (optional)
Viton™ (optional)
24VDC, 24VAC or 120VAC
General Purpose – NEMA 4 (standard)
Explosion Proof – NEMA 6, 6P, 7, 9 (optional)
Normally Open or Normally Closed**
Normal Operating Condition
Manual Override
**Solenoid Action only. Main valve action (energize-to-open or energize-to-close) is
dependent on the particulars of the pilot system.
***Brass solenoids are not lead free and it is illegal to use them in potable services
in the United States such as drinking water, handwashing, food preparation, and
dishwashing. However, brass solenoids may be used as a replacement component in
a lead free Watts ACV main valve, as the wetted surface of a lead free Watts ACV main
valve including installed brass solenoids contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight.
Viton™ is a trademark of The Chemours Company FC, LLC