2. Pull open the source enclosure release handle and swing open the enclosure.
3. Unscrew the pin handle and withdraw the pin from the mounting block.
4. Dispose of the used pin in accordance with local environmental regulations.
When you install a new impactor pin, or you clean the existing pin based on
the maintenance schedule, clean the pin before you insert it into the source, as specified in
Cleaning or replacing the UniSpray impactor pin (Page 139)
5. While holding the pin handle, insert the pin through the inlet on the mounting block and
screw the pin handle into the mounting block until it is finger tight.
6. Close the source enclosure.
7. For details about aligning and optimizing the source, refer to the quick reference card
supplied with the source, or refer to the online Help if it is available with your instrument's
4.24.2 Cleaning or replacing the UniSpray impactor pin
Required materials
• Chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
• Lapping film
• HPLC-grade (or better) methanol
• Lint-free tissue
• Impactor pin
To avoid personal contamination with toxic materials, wear clean, chemical-
resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this procedure.
To avoid burn injuries, exercise care when handling the components of the
source enclosure heated to high temperatures. Wait until the hot components have
sufficiently cooled before you handle them.
To avoid puncture wounds, handle sharp parts and materials with care.
To clean the impactor pin:
1. Remove the impactor pin from the UniSpray source (see
UniSpray impactor pin (Page 138)
2. Inspect the impactor pin and replace it if it is deformed or damaged.
3. Clean the pin by polishing it along its length using 1-µm lapping film, and then wiping it
clean with a methanol-saturated, lint-free tissue.
To avoid damaging the impactor pin, do not rotate the pin when
polishing it with the lapping film or when wiping it clean.
January 10, 2022, 715006200 Ver. 01 (previously released as Rev. A)
Page 139