5. Screw the probe assembly's PEEK fitting into the appropriate fluidics port for your
instrument until it is finger tight.
4.24 Maintaining the UniSpray impactor pin
UniSpray directs the spray at an impactor pin held at a voltage, creating smaller charged
droplets, amenable to easy desolvation. This section provides details about removing, cleaning,
and installing the UniSpray impactor pin.
Figure 4–50: UniSpray Impactor pin
Impactor pin mounting block
Impactor pin
Pin handle
4.24.1 Removing and installing the UniSpray impactor pin
Required materials
• Chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
• UniSpray impactor pin
To avoid personal contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and corrosive
materials, wear chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this procedure.
To install the UniSpray impactor pin in the source:
1. To prepare the instrument for working on the source, stop solvent flow, ensure that the
instrument is in Standby mode, and stop desolvation gas flow.
To avoid burn injuries, exercise care when handling the components
of the source enclosure heated to high temperatures. Wait until the hot
components have sufficiently cooled before you handle them.
To avoid puncture wounds, handle sharp parts and materials with
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