Re-fit the top cover, making sure the
front is attached first. If the top cover
is not fitted correctly the unit will
not switch on
Hint: Fit the top cover making sure the
front is pushed in place first and then
push the back end with the screws
down to give a snug fit
Re-fit the two screws that hold
the lid down using a screwdriver.
Caution: The screws should be hand
tightened, do not over tighten
Insert the plug into the mains socket.
Press and hold the dispense button for
10 seconds until you hear a beep as this
will rest the filter timer
Note: Place a cup or container under
the dispense area before carrying out
Rinse the reservoir and then fill the
reservoir from a potable water source.
Do not overfill the reservoir. Re-fit the
reservoir lid