page 29
PAUL Station Manual 2019-08-02
Step 2:
Step 3:
Below the cover you see the white foam
holding for the module, which consists
5 parts
The photos (only sieve removed, just for
explanation) shows the two vertical
plates (red arrow), which are fixed by
the top cover.
They can be removed after the top
cover is removed.
Now remove the 3
foam holding part
which is a horizontal frame (see white
arrow) below the 2 foam plates that
were just removed.
Now it looks like on these photos.
Please note that the 4
foam holding
part also is a horizontal frame that fits
just around the membrane module and
holds it so it can’t touch the PAUL body.
Also, note that there is a slit (see red
arrow) in this frame to give room for the
connection between the membrane
module and the outer tap
Disconnect the filtered water hose from
the outer tap.
Take care of the black seal. It might
occasionally fall down.
It is essential that this
seal is correctly in
when re-assembling!