Instructions condensing Air heaters type HR version HR-GB-4001-a
Case 10
: Safety relay error
Plug J2 is not connected well, the bridge on connector J2 between 1 and 4 is not
connected well.
Otherwise change print board.
Case 11
: Insufficient air transport over the heat exchanger
Check the pressure switch and the connections
Check the heat exchanger for flue leakage
Case 12
: E-fault is 24 hours present.
An E fault should disappear after a while. When this error is present longer than 24 hr,
something is wrong. Check the error code after a new power up.
Case 13
: Internal error.
Power up the heater again, else replace the print board.
Case 14
: Pressure switch closed during stand by.
When the heater is in standby, the pressure switch should be in the rest position. When
it is in the closed position the contact could be stick, or water could be in the small
Replace the switch or dry the hose.
Case 15
: Flame detected after closing of the gas valve.
The gas valve closes too slow, replace the gas valve
The ionisation electrode is wet. Dry or clean the electrode. Or change the electrode.
Case 16
: Flame detected before opening the gas valve.
Check it there is really a flame before ignition, if that is the case, replace the gas valve
The ionisation electrode is wet. Dry or clean the electrode. Or change the electrode.
Heater does start, but shows other problems:
Heater ignites explosively, has often flame failures:
Check the right setting of the gas control, the right CO
setting is important for the
correct ignition.
Check the ignition cable (1kOhm )
Check the setting of the ignition electrode, the spark has to be formed between the
electrodes and not between the electrode and the burner.
Insufficient output
The heat output of the heater will be insufficient if there is too much resistance in the
inlet- or outlet flue system. In this case the premix-burner-fan will be on full speed, but
because of the high resistance too little air is moved and therefore also too little gas.
The pressure in the outlet flue for example, will normally never be above 30 Pascal.
Non modulating system fan
System fan (M1) does not start or does not vary in speed; Check first the functioning of
this fan by connecting it to 230 Volts. Check with a multi-meter if the different lower
tensions are secondary present on the transformer as well. The fuse could have failed.
If the motor and transformer are OK, the cause of the problem must be in the heater
control, as the heater control dictates the different voltages from the transformer to the
fan-motor. In that case, replace the heater control.
Maintenance / spare parts
The heater must be inspected and cleaned regularly (once a year) by a qualified installer who
understands this appliance.
This is all the more important as the circumstances are heavier, especially in case of dust,
humidity, high frequency of switching on/off etc.
9.1 General inspection
Check the overall condition of the installation. Check the heater, the thermostat, the wires
and the gas line.