P100 Installation
Inlet Piping
Provide for permanent or temporary installation of a compound
pressure gauge to monitor the inlet pressure. To maintain
maximum flow, the pump inlet should be under flooded suction
conditions at all times. Do not supply more than one pump
from the same inlet line.
Supply Tank
Use a supply tank that is large enough to provide time for any
trapped air in the fluid to escape. The tank size should be at
least twice the maximum pump flow rate.
Install a separate inlet line from the supply tank to each
Place a cover over the supply tank, to prevent foreign objects
from falling into it.
Hose Sizing and Routing
To minimize acceleration head and frictional losses, size the
suction line at least one size larger than the pump inlet, and
keep the suction line as short and direct as possible.
• Keep inlet lines less than 3 ft. (1 m) long
• Use at least 5/8” (16 mm) I.D. inlet hose
• Minimize fittings (elbows, valves, tees, etc.)
Inlet Piping (Pressure Feed)
Provide for permanent or temporary installation of a pressure
gauge to monitor the inlet pressure. Pressure at the pump inlet
should not exceed 50 psi (17.3 bar). For higher pressures
install a pressure reducing valve. Do not supply more than
one pump from the same inlet line.
Note: System back pressure must exceed the pump inlet
pressure by at least 15 psi (1 bar) in order to prevent flow
Discharge Piping
Hose and Routing
Use the shortest, most-direct route for the discharge line.
Select pipe or hose with a working pressure rating of at least
1.5 times the maximum system pressure. EXAMPLE: Select a
1500 psi (103 bar) W.P. rated hose for a system to be operated
at 1000 psi (69 bar) gauge pressure.
Support the pump and piping independently.
Pressure Regulation
Install a pressure relief valve in the discharge line. Bypass
pressure must not exceed the pressure limit of the pump.
Size the valve so that, when fully open, it will be large enough
to relieve the full capacity of the pump without overpressurizing
the system.
Locate the valve as close to the pump as possible and ahead
of any other valves.
Adjust the pressure relief valve to no more than 10% over the
maximum working pressure of the system. Do not exceed the
manufacturer’s pressure rating for the pump or valve.
Route the bypass line to the supply tank.
install shutoff valves in the bypass line or
between the pump and pressure regulator or relief valve.
Provide for permanent or temporary installation of a pressure
gauge to monitor the discharge pressure at the pump.
Minimum Discharge Pressure
To ensure proper capacity control, a minimum discharge
pressure of 50 psi (3.5 bar) is required.