USB Interfaces
Driver software
With the exception of Linux, the serial USB interfaces can be
accessed under the various operating systems only by using
special drivers. These drivers are in a constant state of develop-
ment with respect to their technical features as well as the
number and type of compatible operating systems.
For this reason, W&T makes the current drivers and software
installation guides available on the datasheet pages of our Web
site at http://www.wut.de.
The driver installs on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 and
Vista systems virtual COM Ports through which the serial ports
of the Interfaces can be accessed.
Detailed information about installation and configuration of the
drivers under the various operating systems is found on the
enclosed W&T Product CD.
For reasons of compatibility between the W&T USB
Interface convertors and current drivers which the new
Windows versions provide, as well as with Linux and
Apple OS X systems, all Interfaces carry the uniform
product ID 0x6001 effective immediately.
This means that older drivers which require product ID
0xCB68 for Interface models 38011 and 38211 will no
longer be used.
Of course you can also find the required Windows
drivers on the current product CD which is included
with each W&T USB Interface.
Older model 38011 and 38211 Interfaces can be
updated using a small tool. The tool can be found along
with a description of how to use it on the W&T home-
p a g e o n t h e d a t a s h e e t p a g e f o r t h e r e s p e c t i v e