Williams & Hussey
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feel the “catch”, its now attached safely. DO NOT use the molder without the chip extractor
safely attached!
KNIFE ATTACHMENT – The molder requires (2) knives, attach the knives using (1) screw for
each hole.
The molder requires (2) knives (1 set) and screws to hold the knives safely in place. Use (1)
screw for each knife hole. A 7/32” allen wrench and (12) screws have been provided with the
molder. Knives should be clean and sharp and the molder arbor should be clean from any
dust debris. NOTE: Do not use washers with screws; this may cause markings on the stock.
Knife attachment is for both molding and planing knives.
Set one knife at a time in place with the bevel edge positioned as shown in the illustration
below. Push the knife firmly down against the arbor lip and sideways against the bolts in the
direction of the tube side of the machine. Hold secure while tightening the bolts.
We do not recommend shimming out molding or planing knives
PLANING - Loosen the (4) 54-25 Pressure Screws exposing ¼” of thread. This will give you
proper roller pressure.
Loosen all (4) pressure screws exposing ¼” of thread, this will give you correct roller pressure.
Failure to do so will cause feeding difficulties and feed system damage. This is only done for
planing; when molding; make sure the (4) pressure screws have been tightened.
GUIDES – Molding, set both guides to support the stock. Planing does not require guides, but
can be used if you prefer. One guide will be used when running wide boards.
Guides are used to align the knives with the stock and to secure the stock in place.
The molder came with a GS-2-1 Guide System with a set of Baltic Birch guides. See Page 9
for setting up guides.
SET THE HEAD – Molding; the (yellow) scale setting must be set to within 3/16” of the height
of your stock entering the machine, compensating for any sub-plate thickness. Setting the
head to the proper height will provide proper roller tension.
Use the locking handle to loosen or tighten head.
Handle should always be tightened before
using the molder.
This cuts down on vibration.
The head is set when the knives have been attached, the stock and the knives are aligned,
and the guide handles are locked in place. See Page 9.