Williams & Hussey
Toll Free: 800-258-1380
Feel free to contact us by phone, fax, e-mail, or visit our website for molders,
accessories, replacement parts and technical service. Our molders come with a
lifetime guarantee of technical assistance!
We encourage ALL operators of Williams & Hussey molders to carefully read this manual BEFORE
operating the molder. Our molders are designed to specific applications and should NOT be
modified. The Safety Checklist is for your safety and should be followed each time your molder is
It is recommended to use a dust collection system at all times with your
molder. This cuts down on dust, chips and keeps your work area cleaner.
Disconnect the power source BEFORE changing knives or servicing the molder.
Wear safety glasses while operating the molder.
Molder should be used on stable flooring. If using a mobile base lock the wheels before
starting the molder.
Stand beside the molder, DO NOT stand in the way of the infeed or outfeed areas.
Keep the knives sharp and clean. This also extends the life of your knives.
Use clean stock, check for loose knots, nails, and foreign matter.
When attaching knives use a bolt in each hole. Tighten knives and spin the knife arbor to
check for knife clearance.
Before starting the molder make sure the infeed and outfeed path is clear to run stock.
Attach the chip extractor and secure with the axis pin.
Please continue reading this manual before running your molder!