The W400(EX) device has been designed to be worn by the user. The
device can be worn over clothing by passing the silicone rubber antenna
lead around the neck and then connecting the end terminal of the antenna
in its support.
The device can also be installed directly on a self-inflating lifejacket by
passing a Velcro strip through the rear fixing stirrup and attaching the
antenna along the lifejacket, again behind the user’s neck. For this type of
installation please consult the lifejacket manufacturer.
Before wearing the device it is recommended that you proceed with a test
of your W400(EX) MOB to ensure it is working properly; test procedures are
described in the 'Functional Test’ section of the manual.
How to “arm” your W400(EX) MOB
To ensure your device is ready for activation the knob (1) must be set to
the 'ARMED' position.
Press the pushbutton (2) inwards to release the safety lock. Then, keeping
the pushbutton pressed, rotate the knob anticlockwise until it reaches the
'ARMED' position, then release the pushbutton (2).
As of this moment your W400(EX) is ready to be activated in the event of
an emergency.
Automatic activation
If your device accidentally falls in the water it will, on coming into contact
with the water, start working within approximately 3 – 5.
seconds. The ‘water contact’ sensors are located on the rear of your device
(3) and must be externally accessible; keeping your W400(EX) MOB in a
waterproof pocket or a zone inaccessible to water will
Activation of your W400(EX) MOB will be indicated by:
A red light inside the flash lens (4)