Chapter 5 – Warranty
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD RT User’s Guide – V030105
Return the Products, Accessories and/or Replacement Products with the
above mentioned information, transportation and insurance costs
prepaid to WalkAbout Computers’ warranty repair facility at the address
noted below. WalkAbout Computers is not responsible for loss or
damage, which may occur in transit.
Once repaired or replaced under the terms specified in the Warranty,
WalkAbout Computers will return ship, pre-paid, the Products,
Accessories and/or Replacement Products to the originating party.
This Warranty does not cover and WalkAbout Computers shall not be
liable for any loss resulting from:
a) parts and components of products, software and/or accessories
not supplied by WalkAbout Computers,
b) parts and components of Products, Accessories, and/or
Replacement Products and software related thereto supplied,
installed and/or distributed but not manufactured, created and/or
assembled by WalkAbout Computers, for which WalkAbout
Computers provides a warranty depot service only;
c) damage to Products, Accessories and/or Replacement Parts
caused by accident, fire, floods, or acts of God;
d) improper use or care of the Products. Accessories and/or
Replacement Parts or failure to use Product and/or Accessory as
stipulated in the owner’s manual supplied by WalkAbout
e) defects or damage caused by mishandling, misuse, improper
testing or improper operation;
defects or damage caused by adjustments, alterations or
modifications of any kind;
g) repair by someone other than WalkAbout Computers or a
WalkAbout Computers Authorized Reseller for a defect or
malfunction covered by this Warranty; and
h) programming or service by anyone other than WalkAbout
Computers or a WalkAbout Computers Authorized Reseller.
WalkAbout Computers is not responsible for and shall not be liable for
transportation and insurance charges incurred in or damages resulting
from transporting the Products, Accessories and/or Replacement
Products to WalkAbout Computers for warranty service.
WalkAbout Computers shall not be responsible for consequential,
special, incidental or contingent damages or expenses of any nature or
kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for any loss of
revenue, profits, property, information or use of any kind. Such
damages and expenses are not recoverable under this Warranty, even if
WalkAbout Computers has been notified of the possibility thereof. In
Chapter 5 – Warranty
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD RT User’s Guide – V030105
any event, WalkAbout Computers’ liability for any breach shall be limited
to actual direct, provable damages not to exceed the amount originally
paid to WalkAbout Computers for the Product and/or Accessories.
These limitations apply to all causes of action, including breach of
contract or negligence. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation or certain remedies including damages, so the above
exclusion or limitation may not apply to you.
WalkAbout Computers is not responsible for any third-party software
created for use in the integration and/or operation of any Products,
Accessories and/or Replacement Products whether or not such third-
party software was installed by WalkAbout Computers. Maintenance
and support service for third-party software is the sole responsibility of
the creator thereof.
The agents, dealers and employees of WalkAbout Computers are not
authorized to make any modifications to this Warranty, or additional
warranties binding on WalkAbout Computers about or for Products,
Accessories and/or products sold or supplied by WalkAbout Computers.
Additional statements, whether oral or written, except signed written
statements from an officer of WalkAbout Computers, do not constitute
warranties and should not be relied upon.
The Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other
rights which vary from one jurisdiction to another.
For certain non-WalkAbout Computers products, product components,
software and accessories supplied and/or distributed by WalkAbout
Computers which are expressly warranted by the manufacturer of such
products, WalkAbout Computers will provide a warranty depot service.
Where applicable, information with respect to this service will be