Function Description
750-8100 PFC100; 2ETH; ECO
Version 1.6.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
Function Description
Interface Configuration
The ETHERNET X1 and X2 interfaces of the controller are connected with an
internal 3-port switch, in which the third port is connected to the CPU.
Interfaces X1 and X2 can either be operated in Switch mode or as separate
network interfaces. The switching can be performed during the runtime.
The Switch mode is activated by default and during initial startup. The
“Configuration mode” is set to “DHCP.”
For interface X1, a fixed IP address can be set temporarily
(“Fix IP Address”
mode). The setting is carried out with the Reset button (see Section
“Commissioning” > … > “Temporarily Setting a Fixed IP Address”).
Setting a fixed IP address has no effect on the mode previously set.
Operation in Switch Mode
For operation in Switch mode, the TCP/IP settings such as the IP address or
subnet mask apply to both X1 and X2.
When switching to Switch mode, the X1 settings are applied as a new common
configuration for X1 and X2.
The device is then no longer accessible via the IP address previously set for X2.
This must be taken into account for CODESYS applications that use X2 for
Operation with Separate Network Interfaces
When operating with separate network interfaces, both ETHERNET interfaces
can be configured and used separately.
Note that the two interfaces still have the same MAC address. Therefore, they
must not be operated in the same network segment.
When switching to operating with separate interfaces, interface X2 is initialized
with the setting values last valid for it. The connections on the X1 interface
When operating with separate interfaces and fixed IP address, the device can still
be accessed via the interface X2 via the regular IP address.