Sma�t �C
200W USB+
by Wagan Te�h
©2012 Wagan C��p��ati�n. ��� Rights Rese�ved.
Wagan Te�h and
a�e t�adema�ks �sed by Wagan C��p��ati�n.
Use�’s Man�a�—Read bef��e �sing this eq�ipment
The p��g a���ws the inve�te� t� be easi�y ��nne�ted t� a �iga�ette �ighte� s��ket ��
a��ess��y s��ket in a vehi��e.
For Power Cord with Cigarette Lighter Adapter Installed:
1. Inse�t the DC p��g int� the vehi��es a��ess��y s��ket.
2. T��n the igniti�n swit�h t� the a��ess��y p�siti�n, if ne�essa�y.
3. Inse�t app�ian�e p��g(s) int� �C s��ket(s) at the f��nt �f the inve�te�.
4. T��n �n the p�we� swit�h (���ated �n the f��nt �f the inve�te�).
5. The g�een LED wi�� �ight �p t� ��nfi�m that �C ��tp�t is p�esent.
6. �fte� �se, t��n �ff the inve�te� and dis��nne�t the p��g f��m the a��ess��y
USB Power Port
When the inve�te� is p�we�ed, the USB P�we� P��t p��vides 5 v��ts DC �p t� 2.1
�mps f�� �ha�ging tab�ets, �e�� ph�nes, digita� �ame�as, MP3 p�aye�s, and �the�
sma�� e�e�t��ni�s. The �se� s�pp�ies the �ha�ging/p�we� adapte� ���d.
F����w the inst���ti�ns be��w t� p�we� the inve�te�.
1. C�nne�t the devi�e t� the adapte� ���d.
2. P��g the USB ��nne�t�� int� thee USB p��t.
3. T��n �n the devi�e.
4. �fte� �se, t��n �ff the devi�e and t��n �ff the inve�te�.
5. Dis��nne�t the USB ��nne�t�� f��m the inve�te�.
6. Dis��nne�t the inve�te� f��m its p�we� s����e.
When �pe�ating a TV m�nit��, TV/DVD, �� TV/VCR ��mbinati�n, pi�t��e t�be
type TVs and m�nit��s have a high initia� s��ge �f p�we� when they a�e t��ned
�n. If the devi�e d�es n�t sta�t �p �n the fi�st t�y, swit�h the devi�e �n eve�y
2–3 se��nds �nti� the s��een ��mes �n. S�me s��eens may take 2–5 t�ies bef��e
If the inve�te� d�es n�t appea� t� be f�n�ti�ning, �he�k the f����wing p�ssib�e
• P��� ��nta�t: C�ean ��nta�t pa�ts th����gh�y.
• DC �e�epta��e has n� p�we�: Che�k f�se in �ighte� s��ket �i���it and
�ep�a�e any b��wn f�se with same type and �ating.
• Batte�y v��tage is t�� ��w: Sta�t the engine �� �e�ha�ge the batte�y.
• Rep�a�e batte�y if needed.
• Sh�ts d�wn �n �ve���ad: Red��e the wattage �f the ��ad.
• The�ma� sh�td�wn: Unde� heavy ��ads f�� extended pe�i�ds �f time, the
inve�te� wi�� sh�t d�wn t� p�event damage f��m ex�ess heat. Red��e the
��ad and a���w the inve�te� t� ���� bef��e �esta�ting the inve�te�.
Litt�e maintenan�e is �eq�i�ed t� keep y��� inve�te� �pe�ating p��pe��y.
Pe�i�di�a��y ��ean the exte�i�� �f the �nit with a damp ���th t� p�event
a���m��ati�n �f d�st and di�t.