Up convert 8-bit source to 10-bit (Cineform Intermediate Only)
Users select this check box only when using a camera that outputs an 8 bit image. When selected, the HR-F1
compresses 8 bit video with the 10 bit video codec in order to increase precision and preserve quality. This mode
increases the bit rate and disk consumption.
Encoder Quality
Settings within this field determine the bit rate of each recorded clip. The default and the recommended setting
is High. Custom_ChromaKey is used to preserve chroma information around the edges of what is being recorded,
and is the best setting when recording footage that will be used for green screening. Note that lowering the
encoding quality will allow you to record continuously for longer durations. Please visit www.cineform.com for
more detailed information regarding these settings.
Encoder PreEmphasis
This field controls encoder noise roll-off. The different selectable values can help reduce your bit rate by telling
the HR-F1’s encoder to roll off more or less noise.
Default – Normal setting for a good balance between noise and
bit rate
More noise but still high quality
More noise but less quality than Third
More noise but less quality than Quarter
More noise but less quality than Fifth
Turns this feature off – no pre-emphasis
Final Frame Rate (Slow-Mo)
Within this field users select the frame rate in which recorded clips are played out. Depending on this setting, the
HR-F1 performs real-time undercranking that provides the user with 2.5, 2.x, 1.5x slow motion effects among
others, a powerful special effect for recording at one frame rate and playing out at another.
Example: Results from 720p 60:
Motion Effect
Used to play out clips at 2.5x (slow motion)
Used to play out clips at 2.0x (slow motion)
Used to play out clips at 1.25x (slow motion)
Pulldown Removal
This field tells the HR-F1 to remove duplicate fields (pulldown) from the incoming video signal. In addition the
standard 2:3 pulldown, this field allows recording true 24p clips from cameras such as the Canon XL H1 and JVC
Pro HD 250. For example:
Camera & Mode
Pulldown Removal Setting
Canon XL H1 / F2 (24F)
1080 23.976p
JVC ProHD GY-250 24/48p
720 48p
JVC ProHD GY-250 24/48p
720 23.976p
JVC ProHD GY-250 60p
720 30p