To stop charging your electric vehicle:
1. Check that the VMEV Charger is still charging or has finished charging.
If LED is flashing green – vehicle is still charging. The charging can be stopped
if required.
If LED is blue – vehicle has finished charging and the battery should be at 100%.
2. Remove the charging lead from the vehicle.
Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions to remove the charging lead.
Some vehicles require the doors to be unlocked or a charging button to be pressed
before the lead can be unlocked and removed.
3. Remove the charging lead from the VMEV Charger.
If the plug cannot be easily removed from the VMEV Charger push the plug in firmly
and then try to remove the plug again.
4. Check that the LED status on the VMEV Charger has turned blue.
The charger is now ready to charge another vehicle. The plug must be removed from
the charger each time before you charge a vehicle. This resets the safety protocols
built into the charger.
5. Perform final checks
Check the charging lead has been removed from the vehicle. If there is a problem or
a fault follow the steps in the trouble shooting guide in this manual.