trigger voltage is applied the amplifier will power up if the rear rocker switch is in the ON position, and
when the hold is released, the amplifier automatically powers down.
In all cases the front panel power button takes precedence to power down. If the amplifier is powered on via
the front panel button then applying the trigger voltage will not cause a change. If either the trigger voltage is
released or the front panel power button is pressed the amplifier powers down. If the trigger voltage is left
on, but the power button is pressed then the amplifier will power down, and will stay off unless the trigger
voltage is cycled down and then back up.
Mute Trigger
The amplifier can be toggled between the muted and unmated modes while it is in power on mode by using the Mute
Mode Trigger
The amplifier can be toggled between the triode and tetrode modes while it is in power on mode by using the Mode
MB-450 Series III Signature Monoblock Owner’s Manual