Important safety instructions
Ths product should not be placed n any area where proper
ventlaton s not provded. Slots and openngs n the back or
bottom of ths product are provded for ventlaton. To protect them
from overheatng, these openngs must not be blocked by placng
the product on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. Ths
product should never be placed near or over a radator or heat
Never push objects of any knd nto ths product through the slots
because they may touch dangerous voltage ponts or create a
short crcut. Never spll lqud of any knd on the product.
To reduce the rsk of electrc shock, do not dsassemble ths
product, but take t to an authorsed servce faclty. Openng or
removng parts of the product other than specfied access doors
may expose you to dangerous voltages or other rsks. Incorrect
reassemblng can cause electrc shock when the product s
subsequently used.
You should test the sound recepton every tme you turn on the
unts or move one of the components.
Perodcally examne all components for damage.
Be aware of possble loss of prvacy whle usng publc arwaves.
Conversatons may be pcked up by other nursery montors,
cordless phones, scanners, etc.
Chldren should be supervsed to ensure that they do not play wth
the product.
The product s not ntended for use by persons (ncludng
chldren) wth reduced physcal, sensory or mental capabltes, or
lack of experence and knowledge, unless they have been gven
supervson or nstructon concernng use of the applance by a
person responsble for ther safety.