Troubleshooting (continued)
The battery does not charge in the parent unit or the parent unit
battery does not accept charge.
Make sure the batteres are nstalled n the parent unt battery
compartment correctly. The Chargng ndcator lght on the parent
unt should be on when chargng.
Remove the battery and then nstall t agan, then charge for up to
12 hours.
If the battery s completely depleted, t may take up to 30 mnutes to
charge the parent unt before t can be used for a short tme.
Purchase new batteres. Refer to Parent unt battery nstallaton
and Parent unt battery chargng.
The parent unit beeps.
Move the parent unt closer to the baby unt (but not less than 1.5
metres). The parent unt may be out of range.
The batteres may be runnng low, connect the parent unt to the
mans power wth the suppled power adaptor for rechargng.
The baby unt may be swtched off. Press and hold
key to swtch
on the baby unt.
Common cure for electronic equipment.
If the audo montor s not respondng normally, try the followng (n
the order lsted):
Dsconnect the power to the baby unt and the parent unt.
Remove the batteres n the parent unt and then nstall the
batteres agan.
Wat a few mnutes before connectng power back to the baby
unt and the parent unt.
Turn on the baby unt and the parent unt.
Wat for the parent unt to synchronse wth the baby unt.
Allow up to one mnute for ths to take place.