Message counter display
0F-> --
When answering machine is OFF.
When answering machine is OFF and no new TAM messages received.
0F /XX
Flashing XX alternatively with OF: Answering machine is OFF and there are XX new voice messages received where XX
is from 01 to 59.
0n-> XX
When answering machine is ON where XX is number of messages in TAM memory.
Steadily ON: No voice messages in TAM.
Flash: There are XX new voice messages received where XX is from 01 to 59.
Steadily ON: There are ZZ old voice messages kept in the TAM memory (no new voice messages).
Flashing XX alternatively with FF: There are XX new voice messages received where XX is from 01 to 59 and the TAM
memory is full.
Flashing FF: TAM memory is full and there are no new messages, only old messages are kept in TAM memory.
- - /XX
Flashing XX alternatively with - -: Time is not set and there are XX new voice messages received where XX is from 01 to 59.
- -
Flashing - -: Time is not set and there are old voice messages kept in the TAM memory only (no new voice messages).
Steadily ON: Playing the current XX incoming message.
Steadily ON: Playing the current outgoing message (OGM) where A1 is the Answer & Record OGM and A2 is the Answer
Only OGM.
Flashing XX alternatively with An: XX new incoming message is now recording. An denotes that the incoming message
recording is in progress.
Flashing: Remote access is in progress.