Telephone settings
Area codes
You can program this telephone to recognize one home area code and up to four
local area codes.
Home area code
: This is the area code for your telephone number. Users dial
the seven digits of a telephone number to make a call within their own area code
and 11 digits outside their area code. If this applies to you, then you should enter
your own area code into the telephone as the home area code. After setting, if
you receive a call from within your home area code, the screen displays the last
seven digits of the telephone number.
You might, however, live in a region where you must dial 10 digits (area code and
telephone number) for calls within your area code. If this applies to you, enter
for the home area code and enter your area code as a local area code. After
setting, if you receive a call from within your area code, the screen displays the
10 digits of the telephone number.
Local area code
: Most users dial 11 digits to make calls outside their home area
codes. If this applies to you, you do not need to program any local area codes.
However, if you dial only 10 digits to make calls to some areas outside
your home area (without dialing 1), then set these local area codes on the
telephone. Up to four local area codes can be set. After setting the local area
codes, if you receive a call from one of these local area codes, the screen
displays the 10 digits of the telephone number and enables you to easily make
calls by pressing