escape from the room, and a new �uestion will be asked.
Activity 5: Escape
Buzz is trying to ��nd a way out of the daycare
center without being seen. Use the
copy the directions of the movements shown
on the screen, and follow the arrows to help
Buzz escape.
Activity 6: Jump
An Alien is standing on a conveyor belt and
a truck will be shown driving from right to left
beneath it. Use the right
to help the
Alien jump into the back of the truck. You need
to help three Aliens successfully jump into the
truck to complete each challenge.
Activity 7: Spanish Buzz
While trying to reset Buzz, he has accidentally
been switched into Spanish mode. Help ��nd
the correct manual to return him back to his
usual self. Watch carefully because the correct
manual will be swapped around with two
similar looking manuals. Move the
to select the manual and press
OK Button
to con��rm.
Activity 8: What’s Missing
A toy will appear on the left side of the screen.
Find the item that they are missing by using the
to cycle up or down through the options
on the right. Press the
to con��rm.