Activity 1: Letter Matching
Buzz needs to ��nd a key that will open the
drawer. A small letter in the keyhole will be
shown on the screen as a hint. Move the
to choose or press the
Letter Button
with the
matching capital letter to help Buzz locate the
correct key.
Activity 2: Alphabet Order
Four letter blocks will appear on the screen as
they are dropped onto a conveyor belt. The
letters on these blocks should be in alphabetical
order, but there is one missing. Press the missing
letter to complete the alphabetical order. If you
answer correctly, the blocks will move forward
and disappear to reveal a new �uestion.
Activity 3: Spelling
A word and its image will be shown on the
screen. Press the letters on the keyboard to spell
the word correctly.
Activity 4: Missing Letter
A word and its image will be shown on the
screen. Then one letter of the word will be
removed. Move the
to choose or press
the corresponding
Letter Button
to complete
the word. If you answer correctly, the letter
blocks will be stacked up so that Buzz can