While holding the one end against the bearing well, swing the other end
(with the hole) over the turntable's spindle so that the spindle holds the
jig in place. Check figure 1 on the last page.
While the arm is in its rest, loosen the screws that hold the cartridge just
enough that the cartridge can be moved back and forth.
Carefully swing the arm over the grid at the far end of the jig and place
the stylus as close to the dot in the center of the grid as possible. Using
a lighted magnifier will make this job very easy.
Move the cartridge so that the stylus rests on the dot. Now, viewing the
cartridge from above, line it up so that its sides are symmetrically
positioned between the lines of the grid. If the cartridge has parallel
sides, these should be made parallel to the grid lines. Also make sure
that the cartridge is centered between the sets of lines. Follow figure 2 in
the back of the manual. If you can see the cantilever clearly you can
align the cantilever to the alignment grid. This is difficult and may
produce no increase in sound quality.
Double check the adjustments made above. The cartridge needs to be
both centered and "square" between the gird lines and have the stylus
resting on the dot.
The alignment gauge does not have a hole or dimple to hold the stylus.
While the printed dot makes it harder to keep the stylus in place, this
method was chosen to avoid the possibility of damaging the stylus
cantilever or the diamond tip as the cartridge is positioned.
Place the arm back in its rest.
Without letting the cartridge move, tighten the screws holding the
cartridge to the arm head. Make it tight, but don't over do it and strip
the threads or distort the cartridge body.
Double check the lateral balance and tracking force and adjust as needed.
Increase the tracking force by 1/10 of a gram above the cartridge
manufacturer’s highest recommended force.
Unlike many tone arms, the JMW's height is both easy and repeatable to
vary. The knob next to the bearing housing bears a scale numbered from
zero to ninety-nine. Below the knob there is an index mark engraved on the
front of the support pillar.