TUFFER Printer Manual
SI ONBOARD www.vishaypg.com
Doc #: 6190225 Rev
Printer Operation
4.1 Power “ON” Procedure
When the Status indicator is “OFF”, the printer is powered down. Use your index finger, to
press (not more than a second) on the Mode button and release.
enter the pressure area
on the “M” and apply pressure till you feel a snap action. This action powers “ON” the
When the Printer is powered up, the green Status indicator will illuminate and the printer
mechanism will reset.
4.2 Power “OFF” procedure
Just as in 4.1, use your index finger to press on the Mode button. The Printer will power
“OFF” and the green LED will stop illuminating.
Printer powered “ON” and ready for use.
4.3 Paper Tear Procedure
When removing the printout from the printer, pull the printout toward the front of the
printer and tear from one side to the other across the serrated edge.