2019 Voxx Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
DBI Port - 4 Pin Data Bus Interface
The DBI port is used for external Flashlogic data immobilizer & door lock Interface
modules to communicate with the vehicle’s databus. When using the DBI port to
control Flashlogic modules please refer to the D2D (Data to Data) function list
available per vehicle firmware on the tech service web site.
LED Port
The LED included in the kit will serve as a visual indicator of the alarm’s status. It
should be installed in the dash, located where it can be easily seen from outside the
vehicle, yet not be distracting to the driver. Once a location has been selected, check
behind the panel for wire routing access, and to confirm the drill will not damage any
existing components as it passes through the panel. Drill a
1/4” hole, and
pass the red and blue wires from the LED through the hole, from the front of the
panel. Firmly press the body of LED into the hole until fully seated.
Additional Ports
Programming / Valet Button Port
Select a mounting location that is within reach of the ignition switch, as this switch in
combination with the ignition switch, will be used to program the certain features of
the system. It is suggested that the switch be mounted to the lower dash panel in the
driver’s area within reach of the driver.