and capacitors generate a high impedance to bass frequencies -- it’s like pouring water on the side of a
hill: the water will never travel uphill against gravity!
The WBT Platinum Signature binding posts supplied on the VR-5 Anniversary are the finest quality
available and can accept raw wire, spade lugs, pins, and banana plugs. Use a contact enhancing fluid
once a month on all RCA plugs and binding posts for best results. Contact cleaner/treatments increase
the sweetness, air, soundstage depth, and smoothness to an amazing degree, try it!
Since most wire companies do not have engineering experience with our bi-wire design, we have
spent four years designing the best possible speaker cables for our customers. Please see our Website
for information on the cables we have designed expressly for use with our line of speakers. Our cables
have been designed for bi-wiring our speakers in particular and the tonal characteristics of our wire
are a perfect match for our speakers. Although there are several good brands of wires on the market,
only our specialized cables have been designed with our speakers as the partner.
BI-AMPING THE VR-5 Anniversary Model
If the tightest bass is desired, use a solid state amplifier on the woofer modules. If you value “image
float” and “liquid”-sounding midrange/treble response, use a tube amplifier on the M/T’s. You will
need an outboard electronic crossover, since the crossovers in the speakers will still continue to
work. Although it is true that louder treble output can be obtained by high-pass filtering the tube amp,
the loss of transparency is usually not worth it. The clean volume obtainable without a high-pass
crossover will be usually satisfying for anyone but a metal head. You will need a preamp that has
twin outputs, but if you have only one set, use high quality Y-jacks available from your high-end
Balancing of the volume levels when using amps with different input sensitivities can be
accomplished by outboard level controls available from your dealer at very modest cost. If the
amplifiers have input sensitivities which are fairly close, even if they are different brands, there will
be no need for level controls.
We have been seeking a tube amplifier for use with our higher sensitivity models, and at last, we have
discovered a new company that has built the perfect amplifier with our specifications for use with the
VR-5 Anniversary Model speaker system. Our new amplifier uses push-pull 300B tubes for the
highest degree of musicality and transparency, and we believe it is the most transparent and musical
amplifier from 100Hz upwards to 50kHz. This amplifier has a built-in volume control so you can
balance the midrange and treble volume level to any solid state amplifier you wish to use for the
woofer cabinet. Please see our website or call us for further information on this new amplifier.
VERTICAL BI-AMPING: If two stereo amplifiers of the same brand and model are available,
try using this method of wiring. One channel will drive the woofer module, while the other channel
the same amplifier
will drive the upper M/T’s.