8 Advanced operation
Blow into the mouthpiece with moderate
force. Do not stop blowing until you hear a
beep and a click is felt inside the handset. The
LCD should momentarily display “Wait”.
If you blow incorrectly, the LCD will display
“Blow Softer” or “Blow Longer and Harder”.
Wait for the handset to display “Retest”
before trying again.
Observe the message displayed on the handset
If “Drive Safely” is displayed on the LCD
and the status LED is solid green, you passed
the breath test.
You can continue to drive the vehicle.
If “Pull over, Turn Off Motor” is displayed
on the LCD and the status LED is flashing
red, you have exceeded the BrAC limit.
You must safely pull over and turn OFF the
Wait for the restart and lockout timer to
expire before attempting another breath test.