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Содержание 240 1975

Страница 1: ...Service Manual cRepairs andmaintenance ...

Страница 2: ...soldin versionsadaptecl for differentmark ts Th seadaptalions dependon manyfacrorcincludingle 9al taxationand marketrequirem nts This manualmay thereforeshow illustrations and text whichdo nol applyto carsin your country ...

Страница 3: ...reake eBB ignitron 3y3lem Computerized ignition 3y3lem Inspection of lgnitionsy3t6mwithcontactbreakeBB 20 A B 17 A23A Breakerles ignilionsyltem B 20 F B 19E ET B 21E ET F FT 823e 827128 A E and F Compurerized ignitionsFiem B 21 F MPG 1981 B 21 F Cl 1982 B 21F LH 1982 A 2sF LH 0983 1984 B 230F LH 1985 0 Wercserve therightlo makealterations withoulpriornotilicalion O 1985 VOLVO CAFSOFNORTH AMERICA A...

Страница 4: ...Specialtools Specialtools E 1 t v a t_ _ Ohm Oiode Tesler Monole3ter Owell angle ignition setting Stfoboscop lgnition seliing Flywheel Adapter lgnition setring lvlY1984 ...

Страница 5: ...n excessof 30000V Such high volrages are a dangerto life and specialprecautions musl be lakenwhen workingon vehiclesso fitted The symborused hroughoutthsTalua Indrcates terminalswhere dangeroushigh voltagescan be ex Engine type and model 11 4317 8201975 761 2 819 24 E 26 ETurbo 4 821 44 E 45 F 5 46 E Turbo 48 F 8 49 F 9 yeardesignation 6 827 1975 79 64 E 1980 65 F 6 828 1980 62 A 68 E 1981 69 F A2...

Страница 6: ...eralinstruclions 0231 JFU1 Boschpart numbers Stampedin sideof dislributorbody Bosch number o O Direction of rotation Numberof cylinde s Centrifugal advance Distributor body diameter P 7 1 8 3 m m t Qr f O ...

Страница 7: ...o r q u e u n o dp l s Hightensionleads A engines 1978 2 8510 r 5 9 512 5k A nganes 1979 1 9 1 0 1 0 9 5 1 t 5k O 1 3 1 0 1 O 0 9 t 0 1 r0 B o s c h W 7 B EoschW 7DC 0 7 0 8 mm 25 5 Nm 1813 5fi lbs r 240 240 d a o _ _ _ E c 1ko 0 ym 1kn 1976 aO d__r 1 1975 76 oo 5 6ko m oa 1ko ga m 1k f __ Jr 1 Jr 2_ J 5ka Nore Fes srancevaluesare gtvenin K O perneter af length Measure teadin otder ta camputecorcc...

Страница 8: ...8 ociane f el engine is prone lo pre ignition knockins Specialvehicle refers1o heavy veh c e rypes slch as 245 GL with auiomatic rransmission lgnition setting beforeT D C vacuum control unit disconnected Engine type Modelyear Marlet 11 7 13 3 r s 700 800 r min 2500 min B17A 1979 84 12 2A 32 819A 19 71t 1978 ltaly 1978 80 Othermarkets 1981 84 1 5 1 5 12 1 0 32 36 32 36 2A 32 26 30 B19K 17 23 B20A 1...

Страница 9: ...474 1 219661 B19K 1984 0 302 1 332410 B20A 1975 76 0 085 462 657 B 2 1 A 1915 1976 11 1978 1979 1 9 8 0 1 9 8 1 8 3 1984 Othermarkets Sweden Australia Canada Ove seas Olher markets inc Thailand Indones a Sweden Australia Canada Overseas Othermarkers inc Malaysia Thailand Sweden Auslralia 1982 alsoSwitzerland canada 0 134 0 173 0 185 6 103 0 185 6 103 0 185 6 103 0 185 103 o 244 0 185 0 302 0 284 4...

Страница 10: ... T lgnition system with contact breaker lgnition setting graphs E r N o o Ei za I ...

Страница 11: ... 9 0 t 6 i 6 _ i 3 i 6S q 3 R33 9 A 6 6 r 6 r o N o 6 q N e 1 S 9 d l 1 6 6 e o o o o q 6 A sIg AR D i A 0 6 o q 6 6 k i q I I R o c 9 N E j N l r B l 39i E f e i o o 6 X 6 o o L 4 S 9 g r r g 9 o n a E i l i j i e p F I L E i t i 8E E E A_ o i E i g s lI s Ei i t FiE i ii 3Fi E e in SEi 5a AFEE J E il F e r i I r v c d r n a F d c 9 r i i c o i 6 r c 9 iz9 z E d oJ6 J 7 6 ...

Страница 12: ... r a l a c r o 5 5 l p r r n d l s l l l l d t T l Ballastresistor 1 9 1 0 1 i 9 5 1 1 5 k l 0 910 1 0 5 r 0 1 9 5 1 1 5 k l 1 1 0 1 l O 0 0 0 7 0 8mm 2515Nm 1813 5 ft lbs 0 60 7mm 1212Nm 8 711 5 ft lbs B20F 1976 8 1 9 E B 2 1 E 1 9 7 5 8 4 B o s c h W 6 D C B19ET B21ET Bosch W6DC B 2 1 F 197679 1980 82 USA 1980 84 Others BoschW7 DC BoschWR7DS B 2 I F T 1981 85 BoschWR7 DS B23E 1979 80 1 9 8 1 8 4...

Страница 13: ... computecoftect value Al vatueshavea pe ntssabletolerance of 2A 260 ii 0a 0a _ _ 1 l k r r n t E 1 t O O m t o k l 3 0 Rotor Hightensionleads 5 1 ka ifll _i o r 5 6 Breakerless tgnition system i 24O r i J 240 D 5 lllr _ oo m 5 k 260 i II Firingorder 820 1342 819 823 1342 827 828 r 6 3 5 2 4 t t ...

Страница 14: ...cLes 4 cyl F engines a 0 6 cyl A and E engines c 0 r 1978 Sweden Audralia Speca vehcles 6 cyl F engines B20F 1 9 7 5 5 20 25 B 2 1 F 1976 1977 USA Olher rnarkets 1978 1979 Calforna Japan Olher markels 1980 Canada Olher markels l98l 84 Japan 1981 USA Adjusr at 15ris 900r min 15 12 15 124 10 10 8 8 25 30 2a 32 25 30 2A 32 22 26 26 30 24 24 22 26 22 26 B2t t 1981 85 Adjusr at 15r s 900r min 12 25 30 ...

Страница 15: ...rseas 1979 Otlrermarkets lncl Thaland 1979 2 001 2 A1A 2 401 2 014 2 Q17 2 011 463832 1 219 662 463832 1 219662 1 219 951 1 219957 8 2 1E T 1 9 8 1 8 4 3 427 1 216 01 1 9 7 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 1 S a 4 2 All 2 039 2 017 2 039 1 219957 1 276 443 1 2 1 99 5 7 1 276 4Q3 B20F 1 9 7 5 BW 35 Ca iorn a to engineno 500 fvl40iM 41 Caifornia to enqne no 500 Caifornia Blr 35 engrne no 501 Ca iornlaM 40 N4 41 engnen...

Страница 16: ...eakerlessign ition system lgnition setting graPhs Boschnumberat bottomleftof diagrams ssiampedIn r2Jl tru 9 rp 49 5p _ 5r a f t Legend l l l r I Variation of gnitionsetting Variation oI ignltionsettlng f 0 ...

Страница 17: ... Breakerl essignitian system 1 p 1 t 1 l t e I I t t o llr i c 1 o 2 3 1 0 0 2 4 1 1 t s z I l l J I o237o 2o3A t 5 ...

Страница 18: ...Breake rl ess ignition system 0 0 f 0 I I l 1 r r jrjf I r _ i o Fo o o 0 0 0 0 t6 ...

Страница 19: ... J I f Fb Breakerless Ignition system 9 0 t 2 j I i l ll t _ f _ l 0 2 3 7 4 0 2 0 1 7 1 l i l J io r l i ...

Страница 20: ...C9 X X e d o n 6 io i a r99 L9 099qi ts l trr6 N 9 o 6 36P 3n 6 t 56 e t d l i i i 9 6 E d q 9 Nti Pio9 9t N 5 I r9r I l n a i ci 9 x3 Hx Ei d o Rl9 9r 9 o ar 9 3 P 0 f 0 o q l 6 R o i o P q zNa6 6 I 0 f l l 3 l l l 9 9 P q o g q iI P 7 E iE F o r 4 t E i E F i r 6 E 4 6 6 9 E a ee i i e Errsit r it E i l d r P i5 ici8 i i5 dci 5 o 8 n o d q 6 o 9 c o i o 1 8 ...

Страница 21: ...g 13 EF i3 arp 9 ti r FiF 6 3 I X i qR s 9 g iE iEqiSI p sq 9 s3 6 i F H9 I rn g 3 Re o o 6 N N r o a R o j J 3 ii dri 5 FE 3 i i O t i 0 I 0 c a E Ee E X E E s E i 9 Fs 3 s 6 EF a E Epi i ciN O i5Edci P O E o o o o o 3 bi 633 o o iE6 o io F 5 i i t E i r 9 i5ii b I e E E c _ o c 9 i a aa 4 z 9 o 9 i r 6 d ci in _ o ao I 9 lt 09 o s o 39 3 1 9 ...

Страница 22: ...N X q 6 i t d j d 1 33 l i i 6 6 r LP P 5 R 3 Breakerless ignition syste m F B EE g i i T 5 S B 0 t f I 0 i s P 3 3 P e3 t 3 93 3 3g 3 0r 3 I I i o t Ee r I E c o x 6 gp i c d 3xl E o ri E E I u i EE il i o 66 li E 6 q l8i e ieE i E l i EHg iH Ei s eEiee drE i3s 4 q i i EE EFE E q E i E t ci s u H ElEe ix E Is9 fs 3 i x l i5 dcj b a 35Ij 20 ...

Страница 23: and15 r l andHT o ko I N C p d o r J l Spark plugs B 2 F B B 2 3 O F T ghle na 2 3 F sao o oLp Lr o d Lg BoschWB7 DS 07 08mm 25 5 Nm 18r3s ft bs 5 6kQ m 5ko lko 0 0 High tension leads R s sr rce ol fild belween i tnilon or andd srf buror Resstarceaf sDark p l s ppressof Resst nceol d slfibutors ppressor Firing order I 3 4 2 setting vac um governor oncontrol unt disconnecied seeInstrucnons on pa...

Страница 24: ...nition advancegraphs control unit Legend l vdridl oror ionir orserrins w lh v rLrrr l l l r n t Varidtiolol iglil or lr n9 withergine rpr l S l JwF I t 4 I Max vac um advancein relationlo Example conirol unitP N1306057 at30 s l 800r min vacuum advance cannot bemore th n 90 regardless of extent of depression _l D 821 I I f l lji 1 tLt I I L I 1317873 t 22 ...

Страница 25: ... setting B23F LH Auto transmission1983 84 Manual gearbox 1983 engine P N499802 lchanqedensineverson 1983 821 F LH 1982 1317295 o r l L i0 I B23F LH Manual gearbox 1983 engine piN 499a9O Manual gearbox 1984 I t 23 1 i d o t t l L l ...

Страница 26: ...nition coil andHTleads Distributor capandrotor arm Replacingcontact breakerpoints Checking iqnlioi sFiI19 ch clrrg cP rtr f Jgdladvan e Cl eclingvdcu rr adva e Reconditioning distributol Replarir 9 v JJ cont olL1r Repid irg dislribJrol Checl rg side p a B1 82 83 815 B6 B1 B8 814 ct c6 c1 c2 c3 c4 C5 c6 Dl D4 26 27 2A 29 29 30 Distributortest bench I 32 32 32 33 33 ...

Страница 27: ...Distribulor r0 0 o lgnition svstem with contact breaker assenary I 2 5 ...

Страница 28: ...rom the componenls when takingnreasuremenrs Measuring resistanceoI ballast resistor Ballast resistor fittedto 1979 models onwaros Resistance 0 9 O eanY 79 13 others r fj 0 A3 Checkingignitioncoil check outercasing of ignilion coilIo cracks elc measure r sistance across ternrinas1 and 15 Resisrance 2 7 3 0f 1978 1 8 2 01 1979 84 measureresistance acrosstermina 1 and h gh tensionterminal Besist nce ...

Страница 29: ...ko T n 1cl6 1 _ i e r o 5 6ko m o Reststance values are given in K Q perneter af tength Measure tead in vatueshavea petmissabte tolerance of 20 24O i E rgrs fI _ Oo OO m 1 4ko r975 76 i0 oo lko o Q m 5k J B Distributor e 0 I I Distributor cap burntlerm na s lrackinq Checkingrolor Replace rotoril cracked or excessive y burn1 Resistance 5tl k B2 a z 2l ...

Страница 30: ...ison Adjust gapto 0 i10 mmon B17 823 0 35 mmon820 Apply 1 2drops ofengine oiltospindle wick t T B4 Adjust dwell to 59 65 VolvolMonotester or dwell meter neduce points gaptodecrease dwellangle andincrease gapto increase angle Refitrotoranddistributorcap B5 Checkdwell angleat 42 t s 2500r min tl dwell angle differs by more than 2 from reading at idle check distributor for wear 6 2A ...

Страница 31: ... 811andspecia vehicleswihmanuagearbox 1r gniton se ng can be rerarded oi 5r if despiteusing9s ocrane foe engtnes pronero pre gniitonlknocktfg Speca veh c e refersto heavyvehice lypessuchas 245cLE wilh zulomarc rra smission t0 I lgnitionsetting beforeT O C vacuumcontro unit disconnecred Enginetype Modelyear Market 11 7 13 3 r s 1700800r min 12 s00r min B 1 7 A 1979 84 12 2A 32 a 19A 9771 978 taly 9...

Страница 32: ... r d d v r c P _ li ignitionadvancedoes not increasecheckvac um B9 Delayvalve Because of exhaustemission aws some vehrcles are equippedwith a de ay valve connectedbetweenthe inletrnanifold and vacuumcontrolunn S veraldifferent typesof va vesare n use Ona ltypes DlST must facedistributor Check thatitls possible to suckairthrought DLST side oi valveandthat it is verYdifflc t 10blow a r lhrough 811 C...

Страница 33: ...200mm Hg Recorded advance al this pressure is found1o be 16 21 Basic lgnition serting 7 Dfference 9 14 whichls asspecifiecl 814 Checkvacuumunit for leakage Connect a vacuum pump ncrease vacuum to 500mm Hg 67kPa Record pressure for 1 minute Pressure nruslnotdrop by morethan100mm Hg 13 5 kP 8 1 5 Pre ignition B23A Sweden 1981 82 lf despiteuse of 98 octafe fue ensine s prone to pre lgnitlon knocking ...

Страница 34: ...ribedine in distributor body Removerelainingscrewand ift away distributor 0i a s C2 Mark position ol distributol Turndistributorto obtain accesslo vacuum unitrelain Replace vacuum unit Turndistriburor back1omark Fit condensatLon trap ChecUadjust ignitionsetting a I rul rI r t 0 I To install turn rotor approx 60 clockwiseawayfrorn ine in distributor body Does notapplylo I20 fil distributor rotorsho...

Страница 35: ...ctbrcakerassembly c5 Checking sideplayof distributorshaft Max side play 0 2 mm 0 079 in Fitanew distributor if sideplayis great rthan 0 2 mm Lubrication 0 t c a I A distributor greaseP N1 16 1136 7 or BoschFt1v4 B distributor SreaseP N1161136 7 or BoschF v26 ...

Страница 36: ...e speed to 25r s 1500r min Read offdwellanqle DwellanglemuslnotvarYbYmorethan2 from pre_ Check distributor for wear damage elcii deviatlon is I I t T rl 0 D2 Checking firing Rundistributor at 3 5 revs sec 200 300 min on test Set distributor 0 to positionwhich corresponds lo firingoi cylinder1 Firingshouldbe 0 90 180 270 Checkshapeof atrows or equivalent symboldepend lfdeviation ismorethan2 lhisind...

Страница 37: ...ibutor reconditioning Ignition system withcontact brcaker assembly D4 Checking vacuum advance Rundistributor at 10r s 600r min Calibrate meter Increase vacuum andcompare vatue to specificarion 1 0 i0 I 0 35 ...

Страница 38: ... Mechanical advance F6 vacuumadvance F7 F1o R t a r d F 1 1 Reconditioningdistributor Gl G28 Replacingvacuumcontro unit G G2 ReplacingdistrlbutorBlg E23 G3 G4 ReplacinsimpulsesenderBl9 823 G5Gll ReplacingdistributorB2T 828 G12 G21 Replacins impulsesenderB2T 828 G22 G21 Checkingsideplay G28 Lubrication G29 Replacingcontrolunit G30 Testing distlibutor on test bench G31 G34 Wiringdiagram Faultracing ...

Страница 39: ...Brcakerless ignitionsystem F z Eu 4 F g c 0 ...

Страница 40: ...disconnected from components undertest 0 0 t I Meesuring resistanceot ballast resistor B20 B19 8 23 82t 824 Bolhresistors areconnected in series E2 0 910 t o 1 010 1f I I E3 Checking ignition coil check outercasing for cracks measure resistance across terminats j and15 820 B19823 t gio to B27 B2A 0 510 1 measure resistance acrossterminal l and HTter All models 9 5i1 5 k 38 ...

Страница 41: ...a permssable tolerance of 20Va Breakerlessignition system E4 oo 0 0 t ij i q j 260 oo g i U oo ffi FaP oo 1 k o r 5 II i l i JFqir 3 l k o 5 k o compute carrect vatDe At F Distributor I hpofianrl To prevenlrelan ng sprinssifom damashs olor do nol cra k enginewhe d srrbutorcap is ofi Checking distributor cap burnte edrodes tracking carbonbrushfor wear or damase F2 Checkingrotor Rotor shoud befreefr...

Страница 42: ...otorandstator tipsopposite eachother andmea_ sureairgaPwilhfeeler gauge 6 cylengines min0 3mm 0 012 in 4 cylensines min0 25mm 0 010 in Adjusiif necessary I I 0 F5 Checking adjusting basicsettingat l 1 7 13 3r s 700 800r min Disconnect hosef om vacuumconl ol unit Adiust isnition settins to specificalion See nexr page F6 Checking centrifugaladvanceal 42 r s 2500r min Checkihat ignitjon advance is ac...

Страница 43: ...19ET 1942 a4 15 21 26 a21E 1975 82 rr 28 33 B21ET 1981 84 1 5 21 26 823E 1979 82 1983 Canada Olhermarkeis 1984 10 5 10 25 30 25 29 25 30 25 30 B20F 1 9 7 5 5 20 25 B21F 1 9 7 6 1977 USA California Othermarkets 1 9 7 8 1979 Californla Japan Olhermarkets 1980 Canada Olhermarkels 1981 84 15 12 15 12 8 10 10 8 I 25 30 2A 32 25 30 2A 32 22 26 26 30 24 2A 22 26 22 26 A21FT 198r 85 900 min 12 26 30 927A ...

Страница 44: ...ssure from graphand pump up vac rurn pumpto thisvalue Record ignition setting Subtract basic ignition setting andcheck thatvalue conforms to graph Fl0 Checkvacuum control unit for leakage connecta vacuumpump and Increase vacuumto 67kPa 500 mm Hs Pressure should notdropby morethan13 5 kPm l00 mm Hg duringoneminute c Example Boschnumber0 237002038 F9 B21F1979 Excl California andJapan You selecld p e...

Страница 45: ...crease pressure to 30 kPa andreadoff gnition setting lsnitionse ins shoulddrop 3 7 Disconnect pumpandpressure gauge Reconnect hose 0 0 I G Distributor reconditioning 0 G1 Replacingvacuum control unit B20 Rernove distriburorf romenginepriortoremoving Mark position of diskibulor Turndistributorto obtainaccess to vacuumunitretain Removevacuumunit t Hookon vacuumunit Returndistributor to originalposit...

Страница 46: ...ove distribulorretaining screwandliftawaydistri G4 Installing Turnrotorapprox 60 clockwise from markin distribu Does notapplyro 820 Place distributor in position andfit screwloosely Check thatrotorpoints towards mark Refitdistrib torcap Checuadjust basic ignition timing i G5 I I I Replacingimpulse sender on B 19 B 23 Removing nemove distributor asdescribed inG3 Remove disconnect retaining clips im...

Страница 47: ...Breakerless ignitionsystem G6 Unclip lockringandremove shimsasapplicable Removerotor and lockpin Uselwo screwdriversto pry rotor off shaft Removelockring and ift oul impu se sender JI Fit new imoulse sender Attach lock ring i GB ...

Страница 48: ...lockpin hasa groovelLrn t lo raueLenlresl a l Fitshimsand lockrins Fitlconnect rmpurse senoer screw retaining clips Gl1 Turnshaftand checkfor grindingetc Magnetswill giveslightresistance to turningaction Refitdistributor SeeG14 Check adjustbasic ignition setting G10 0l i It I I 0 I 46 ...

Страница 49: ... 827 E 1975 74 Proceed to G15 0 0 I N 0 Remove front Dart of inlet manifold Disconnect linkrodfromthrotile pullev G14 Removeair luelcontrolunit retainingscrews Liftunit up slightly G15 All B27 828 models Unclipdistributor cap and lift o 1 dusi cover Turn crankshaftuntil rotor pointstowards mark in dislri Remove disconnectl Remove distributor tr ...

Страница 50: ...nilold Tightening torque10 15Nm 7 11 ft lbs G17 Checksetting Rotorshouldpointtowardsmark in distributorbody Fit retaining screwloosely G18 827A B28Aproceed to G21 827 E 1975 78proceedto G20 Other827E modefsand 827 F B28E andB28F lnstallair fuelcontrolunit Reconnect link rod to throttlepulley Tightenairfuel t 0 I 0 l G19 48 v ...

Страница 51: ...stributor rcconditioning Breakerless ignition system G20 Fit air filter f 0 h 0 I aI827 528 ChecVadjust basic ignition setting Replacingimpulse sendel on B27lB28 Remove distributor according to G12 G15 I i ...

Страница 52: ...iversif Takecarenol lo drop lockp n ralodistribJtor G24 Removeimpulsesender Removescrewsand lockring Install new impulse sender Bemovescrewsfrom inpulsesender Placebase plale section on shafl Makesurethat pinsareopposite lug indist ibuto body Fil screwsand lockring I I s lo 4 e Refitrotor lf lockpin hasa grooveturn Fitshimsand lockrin9 G25 it to facecentreshafl 0l 50 f ...

Страница 53: ...ystem G26 Refit G27 Turnshaftandcheckfor grindingetc 4agnets wil offerslightresistance to turn n9action Refitdisrributor SeeG16 G21 G28 Checkdistributorshaftsideplay l 4ax side play 0 2mm 0 008 in lfsideplayisgreaterthan specifled replace distributor 0 2mm 51 ...

Страница 54: ...s ignitionsystem G29 Lubrication a f 4 f I I Distributor grease P N Ft1v26 1 1 6 1 1 3 6 7 o r B o s c h l u b r i c a n t t G30 Replacing controlunit MakesLrre that rubbersealremainsin bottomof con nectorwhen disconnecting conlrolunit f 52 ...

Страница 55: leadto distributor 7 Power supply 14V Llohhing symbos indicale danserous hi hvohage terminals Cran shafl degrees D strlblror degrees I G31 Calibrate test bench Set zero at distfibutorshaft speed corresponding to zeroadvance Seediagrams on pages15 lT Thiscom pensates for the electronic advarcef om the impulse 1 2 Zero ser ai 360 th n centrlugaladvance begins Cenrriugaiadvance ends Absollte lm r ...

Страница 56: ... or equlvalenl symboldepend lfdeviation ismorethan2 this indicates thatsideplayis too large G33 checkingcentrifugaladvance Run distributor at3 5r s 200 min Calibrate meter Increase speedandcheck thatcenlrif galadvance con formsto specification lf no1 check thal balance weightsarelubricated anddo Alsochecksprings G34 Checking vacuum advance Rundistributor at 10r s 600r min Calibrate merer Increase ...

Страница 57: ...em Wiring diagram breakerlessignition system 1979 197578 r a Err 0 li f I t1 1s75 I 7a l Y I 1979 E rl r l lt U l l lil fi fr TTrT i t lf I r J L J J t r J J J u t L J 4 B N B N a er r u B Q ri u I i4 rmr rlrl r1 C Balastfesistor 1975 1978 1979 h 1 it lr 55 ...

Страница 58: ... essignition system 9 E 3E i o s 9 i i o E E i E B ii r 6 9 g i i9i9 9 9 9 6 G E e E E E g iJ E E E 9iec E E J h P E I 6 I t a 6 6 I I f t f I al lHrl p 6I t I lrr tg I l I l E I J l 3 t li I tE I I I l E I t9 t I l i I z 56 ...

Страница 59: ...l Ll 1985 Checking ignilion advance cenlri Jgaladvance dserl a gle Recondilioning distribulor P N1306059 replaci19 dislrbulor Replacing distributor P N1332684 1336737 1332587 replacrg mpLlsese de reoldLi19 dislrbulor Replacing controlunit Wiringdiagram Faulttracing t 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 69 70 0 n Operation H1_H4 J1 J4 Kl K8 L1_14 t i1 t 43 M4 M10 M5 1 46 I t7 M8 M9 M 1 ...

Страница 60: beforecarryingout extensive faulllraclngprocedures Neverlet sparkiength ignirionsystemcircuits H3 exceed5 mm when checking or contro unit may be dam aged Consequendy connectsparkplugto HT eadandearth plugvia engine CAUTION To avoiddamagingthe conneclorsleevesDONOTDIS CONNECT CONNECTOR lrom conlrol unil when check ing vollage The volt ohm melershould be connecled direclly lo the wires o 0 1 ol r...

Страница 61: ...Connectors Computei zed ignition systems J Gonnectors and earth points J I J2 0 0 I o I Controlunit Distributor Bulkhead Controlunit earth J4 I 59 ...

Страница 62: ...nreplacing thecontrol unrt K2 j I I 2mm Orilllor connecling guidesleeves P N9995268 1 Toinstall guidesleeve place sleeve inthedriftandcheck thatit protrudes 2 mm 0 08in f nol shone loollo drrensonsl ownadacenl Easier lo insertguidesleeve it opening s countersunk K3 Caretully cleanconnectoron distribulorandcon trol unit Withdraw connector fromdistribulor Scrape offPVC and oxidedeposits from all lhr...

Страница 63: ... Onpins 3 5and 9 _ _ f _ _l l K6 3 I I K7 Check Press onguide sleeves sothatatLeast 2 mm 0 08 in of pinisvisible above sleeves Reconnect terminais andcheck function Replacingsleeveinsulators K8 Withdmw connector Detachrubbercoverand removeinsulator Fit new insulator P N 949597 9 Reconnect connector 1o1Oo 3a 80 40 70 61 ...

Страница 64: ...rcasing forcracks etc measure resistance acrossrerminals I and 151 Aesistance 1 1 1 3 Q L3 terminal 1 and the measureresistance across hightensionte mina Reslstance 9 6 11 6 kO l L n iesi ll l r oa 5 6 ko m oo u iE6 r1 _ i r 5 k o L4 Checking HT leads Resistance of HT leadbetweendistriburor and ignition coashoud be 2 3 5kohmswhich is equivalent to 5 6 Spd l p ugs supp esso esisldlce 5 kol_ns Resis...

Страница 65: ...minals NoterCentfe terminal is notspring loaded Checking rotor Two typesof rotor are in M2 use Useonlynewtypefor checking Hallpick up wire lMake surethat the wires cannot M3 be damagedby the I M4 Checking adiusting basic ignition setting Eeforechecking ignitionsettingcheckfunctionof _ Noie seep ge65forco tectao slmerrorol1f_l ...

Страница 66: ...4mmfeelergauge between adjustment screw Unscrew microswitch retaining screwsandturnswitch unlillamplights Checking Place a0 2mmfeelergauge between adjustnrent screw Lampshould light Remove feeler qauge andinsert a 0 4mmfeeler gauge Lampshould beoff M7 Checkingmicroswitchon 821 F LH 1982 Disconnect connector from vacuumswitch Connecr a test lemp behveenbatre y a ld orange wi e o Startengine Testlam...

Страница 67: ...n retaining screws M10 Checklhat basic signitionsettingis 12oa2 at 12 5r s 750r min Aircondiioning disconnected as applicabLe Adlustignilonsellingbyturning dstributor Increase engine speedto 2000rpmfor 5 seconds Leltheenglne idleandcheckidlequality Makesurethe dleis slableandwthin specifications as variations coudafiecttheliming M11 Check centrilugal advance Dsconnect vacuum hoselromdistributor Ru...

Страница 68: ...trol unit M13 Checkdwell angle Read offdwellangleat idle Dwellangle 36 38 Increase enginerpm and check that dwellangLe in creases if noincrease isrecorded replace control I nit B23F Checkingknocksensor M14 connecta volvo Monotesrer or equivalenl testnreter Srartengine ACdisconnected Increase enginespeedand mainlainal sel leve by e g pLacing screwdriver acrossthrottlepulley M 1 5 Tapplugon rishtsid...

Страница 69: ...tainingHallpick up drsconnectconnector removeHallpick up N3 Replacing distributol Remove HTleads fromdistributor cap Tu n crankshaftuntil rotor points towards rubber Disconnect connector Remove distributor Installdistributor T u b u l a r p i n p r o t r u d e s m o r e o n o n e s i d e t h a n l h e o t h e r Turn shaft until pin is oppositegroove in distribLrto Fit distributor cap and reconnect...

Страница 70: ...utor Bosch reconditioning Type2 P N1332684 1336737 1332587 Replacing distributol Remove disconnect HTleads iiom cap N5 lnstalldistributor Checkthat cyl 1 is at T D C Turnrotorapprox 60 c ockwisefrom rnarkln listrib Rotorshould now point towards mark n distributor CI r l f r ChecUadlusl basicigniiiont ming Se l 14 S epages 60 61ror nslaI ngsuides ecves on conneclors 68 o ...

Страница 71: ... A Pry oii trgger whee wiih two screwdrvers use round shalt screwdrvers 5mm diameler Placetips ol screwdrve son sleel hub as shown Takecarenot lo damagetriggerwheel Nole hp trd Sr tL1 oJld or be epla Fd on irbutors wilhii the lirst year oi warranty cornpetedisiributormust be replaced lfvqgerwhee s benlduring removal irm rsr be ru9 Takecarenot lo lose ock p n Remove Halpickupretaning screws plaslic...

Страница 72: ...lasticpin 1 N13 I sa 4 a F i J a lnstall trgqerwheel 2 Lockpin 3 circlip 4 condensation trap Instaldiskbuloraccordtng to operations N7 N8 Control unit N15 Replacing controlunit Checkcentrifugal and vacuum advanceaccordrng to operalions M11 M13 afterinstaling control rnil Seepages 60 61lor lnslalingg ides eeves o conne rors ...

Страница 73: ...ion systems Wiringdiagram computerized ignition systems B 2 I F_LH B 23 F_LH 9 0 I D Microswnch a2r F I H MlcroswtchB2l F LH Jerronic J lvlcr swiich 823 F K KnocksensorB23F I I I B L C N B N S B t Llllru rn 8 _ rxrt x D l _ _rl lfD 7 1 ...

Страница 74: ...gram Com puterizedignitionsystem Wiringdiagram B computerized ignilionsystem 230F LH 198s I lgnition switch C Breakerunit F lgnitioncoil G oistributor 214 Control Unit LH Jetronic 0 Heatedreafw ndow Overdrive 2 ...

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Страница 76: ...NOIES Oi D 0 o t t o ...

Страница 77: ...o E Fault tracing chart B21 F MPG LH B23 F LH ...

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Страница 81: ...o E 1o o Faulttracingchart B 230F_LH ...

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Страница 83: ...sB oK Checklhal eachPug sparks Che l lor vo lagear terhrnalA on 3 poleconnecror Nole Nol 12 V Lampd m gntion sholld be oil when discon Push testrampproberhrough green wrecov Checkrorvollageatierminal 15 on gnilon Checkwiresconnectedbetween anilon switchandconirolunt Nole Also repLace cabe harnes Check conlro uni connector ...

Страница 84: ... 0 o o D e 0 ...

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