2000 Volvo S & V 40
· Raise the jack by cranking it clockwise. Be sure the jack engages the attachment point correctly.
The base of the jack must be flat on a level, firm, non-slippery surface. Before raising the car,
check that the jack is still correctly positioned in the attachment point.
· Raise the car until the wheel to be changed is lifted off the ground.
· Unscrew the wheel bolts completely and carefully remove the wheel so as not to damage the thread on
the studs.
The jack must be correctly placed in the jack
Installing the wheel
Clean the contact surfaces on the wheel and
hub. Lift the wheel and place it on the hub. Install the wheel bolts crosswise and tighten by turning
lightly clockwise. Lower the vehicle to the ground and alternately tighten the bolts to 81 ft. lbs. (110
Nm). Install the wheel cap (where applicable).
pg. 85 Replacing bulbs
Remove cover
Removing high/low beam headlight bulbs
file:///K|/ownersdocs/2000/2000_SV40/00sv40_06a.htm (5 of 11)12/30/2006 3:42:41 PM