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Find a Flight Field


Based on the size and weight of the plane it is typically considered to be a "park flyer" 

class airplane. As a result it is best to fly the plane at a local park, schoolyard, flying field 

or other area that is large enough and free of people and obstructions. We recommend 

and area the size of at least one football/soccer field. However, even larger areas are 

better suited and preferred especially when learning how to fly. Do NOT fly in parking 

lots, crowded neighborhood areas or in areas that are not free of people or obstructions.

NOTE: This checklist is NOT intended to replace the content included in this instruction 

manual. Althought it can be used as a quick start guide, we strongly suggest that read 

all though the manual completely before proceeding.

- Always turn the transmitter on first.

- Ensure the throttle control stick is at bottom position before connecting the battery.

- Fly the model(hand-launch or take off from a flat/level surface). 

- Land the model(on a flat/level surface).

- Unplug the battery from ESC.

- Always turn off the transmitter last.

Flight Checklist


Gyro System Calibration


1.Turn the throttle stick to min position.

2.Power on the transmitter and the receiver.



unlock the throttle.

4.Keep the sticks as above picture for several seconds.

5.When you hear a “beep” sound, it means the gyro system is 

calibrated based on the horizontal level you are keeping it.

We also suggest flying over grass as it 

is  a  much  more  forgiving  surface  that 

causes less damage in the unfortunate 

event  or  a  crash.  Short  grass  is  better 

for takeoffs and landings as grass that is 

too long can cause the airplane to nose-

over/flip and be damaged. An ideal flying 

area allows for takeoffs and landings on 

a smoother surface(such as asphalt) and 

flying over grass.
