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2. Connect the white 4-pin connector from battery to the mating connector on the charger.
CAUTION: You must be careful to ensure proper polarity before making the connection.
And while the white connectors are ‘keyed’ to minimize the risk of a reverse polarity connection, if you force
them it is possible to make connection with the incorrect polarity potentially causing damage to the battery
and/or charger. When the connectors are properly aligned for correct polarity, connecting them should
require only a moderate amount of pressure to achieve the ‘click’ that indicates a secure connection.
3. When the battery is connected to the charger securely and with the proper polarity both the red color and
green color LED indicators will glow. The battery will be charging anytime the red LED indicator is glowing.
4. It will take approximately 1.5-2.5 hours to fully charge a mostly or fully discharged (not over-discharged)
battery. And when the battery is fully charged the red LED indicator will stop glowing entirely. When the red
LED indicator is no longer glowing you can disconnect the battery from the charger as it is now fully charged
and ready for use.
CAUTION: Do not store the lithium battery fully charged.
For improved safety and longevity of the LiPo battery it’s best to store it only partially charged for any length
of time. Storing the LiPo battery at approximately 50% charged (which is approximately 3.85V per cell) is
typically best, however it will take some careful management of the charge time and the use of a volt meter
to achieve this voltage.
If you have the equipment and skills to achieve the 50% charge level for storage it is recommended. If not,
simply be sure to not store the battery fully charged whenever possible. In fact, as long as the battery will
be stored at approximately room temperature and for no more than a few weeks before the next use, it
may be best to store the battery in the discharged state after the last flight (as long as the battery was not
over-discharged on the last flight).