This alarm light reminds you the fuel filling up
Caution The insufficient fuel may lead to engine starting failure in case it is continue starting the
engine may lead to damage
Use up the fuel in the tank is not allowed keep the fuel level above the allowed lowest position
The allowed lowest fuel level More than 2L
Issues need pay attention to about fuel filling up
Open the fuel tank cap by clockwise turning
the ignition key
After the fuel filled up return the fuel tan cap
to its original position then powerfully press
down the fuel tank cap for locking up at this
moment the key could be removed Wash the
fuel tank cap by high pressure water injector is
not allowed for avoiding water entry
Fuel tank capacity 17 2L
Spare fuel tank capacity 2 0L
tank cap
The fuel may corrode the painting surface which lead to color fading In case the fuel on the painting
surface is found wipe it up
The fuel may expand when in high temperature in this case the complete fuel filling up may lead to
fuel tank distortion or fuel overflow
Fuel filling up higher than the bottom of fuel tank port is not allowed
Use the unleaded gasoline above 95
1 Fuel level
2 Fuel tank port
Stop the engine when filling up the fuel close to smoke fire or heat source is not allowed